A Look at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Wii... The Box

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.11.2011 37

A Look at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Wii... The Box on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Amidst all the news of early releases and piracy for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 comes a brief look at the Wii edition.

There's only a few days left until the highly-anticipated release of the eighth main entry in the long-running first person shooter series and details for the game are scarce, particularly the Treyarch developed Wii entry. With the HD edition receiving prime treatment, both the Nintendo console versions have been a tad bit neglected.

The only media released so far are some rather grainy shots of the Wii edition's box: teeny screens, a Paris setting and support for classic controller/zapper with PDP Headbanger for online voice chat. The box also notes co-operative survival mode and what looks like online play behind handled by Activision's servers (no blue Wi-Fi logo) rather than the relatively poorer Nintendo variety.

Image for A Look at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Wii... The Box
Image for A Look at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Wii... The Box

Via NeoGAF.

Are you getting Modern Warfare 3? If so, what platform? Are you a fan of the series on Nintendo's Wii and Treyarch's efforts?

Box art for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (2 Votes)

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guest (guest) 07.11.2011#26

fact number 1 plenty of older people will play COD on wii reason they kids and they own a wii and they dont feel like shelling out the money for another system you dumb fuck people comming on here just to bash wii gamers is dumb so what you own a xbox or ps3 who cares i dont

shane (guest) 07.11.2011#27

im 31 and i play on wii.

quan li doma (guest) 07.11.2011#28

Smilie and yet Call of duty MW3 can't be played on 4GB 360's since there is not enough space, but ps3 has more memory noob!


Know what's cute? The Wii has this stigma of being for little kids, but on every site I go to, it's always the PS3 and Xbox 360 fans who A. don't know what the fuck they're talking about and B. are being totally immature about it.

My brother has the Xbox version pre-ordered. I'll probably play it if/when I can peel my attention away from Skyrim and Skyward Sword. But if I don't renew my Xbox Live, I'd definitely get the Wii version as well.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Guest 07.11.2011#30

I have a 360 and just bought battlefield 3 for it i was debating the 360 version of mw3 but since having w@w and black ops for the wii I'm picking the wii version of mw3 for the simple reason that it's just more fun on the wii. i'll get my graphical kicks from battlefield 3 and immediate fun factor from mw3 on the wii, personally i find that the wii has the better gameplay when comparing the wii remote and nunchuck to my 360 controller. the ps3 360 and pc versions of mw3 don't add much over the wii version graphically anyway i mean they could have added much more like environments that react to explosions such as battlefield 3 for example. who cares about hd graphics when there's no real difference apart from smoother edges.

Keyser Soze (guest) 08.11.2011#31

shane (guest) said:
im 31 and i play on wii.

31 FTW! Wii isn't just for children. I enjoy hiding behind the couch shooting people while my wife gives me funny looks. Beats getting "club thumbs" and a fat ass.

Wii User And Abuser (guest) 08.11.2011#32

Well I played Black Ops on the wii. It fried my system. I bought annother one. Anyway the gameplay was immense. My friends were all saying graphics suck they suck. But then they tried it, MW3 I going to be GREAT on the wii. I'm 24 BTW

WiiIsForGamers (guest) 08.11.2011#33

Agreed. I have a 360, but I love my Wii. Im only 16 and grew up with a PS2, but Nintendo just has that factor about it that keeps them up. Wii gaming is awesome, PC is expensive (though ight I add cool), Xbox people are just fucking dipshit assholes about everything because they think they are "gamers", and ps3 isn't much better. I hope Wii U gets much better than the Wii, because I love my Wii (free internet, Conduit series, Mario, whats not to love here?)

Rjp1998 (guest) 08.11.2011#34

Lets hope Treyarch does better on this than they did on Black Cocks

-- (guest) 08.11.2011#35

Just been checking out the first videos of MW3 Wii on youtube and im impressed. I Like the fact you can now edit callsigns, there appears to be much more content than that of Black Ops on the Wii all of the pointstreaks and content of the HD versions appear to be there with possibly the exception of things like predator missile and oooh killcam (not really much point In my opinion) just holds up extra kills.

The only slight concern i have is Black Ops on the Wii seemed to be pretty much lag free however looking at several videos of MW3 Wii there appears to be lag maybe not quite to the extent of W@W but its definitely there.

This wont stop me purchasing two copies one for me and one for my GF though as we loved playing Black Ops together online (Sad i know) but we love it.

I doubt i'll be picking this up for my 360 as ive already said in post #30 i have Battlefield 3 which has the destructable environments and vehicle online gameplay so really no reason to choose 360 version over the wii as i prefer wii controlls anyway.

I tried Black Ops on 360 and i have to say after about two days i traded it in and went back to the fun ol wii version.

Just goes to show really on content 360, PS3 and PC owners aren't really getting much more than the Wii obviously with the exception of Map Packs which need paying £10 each for(Cash in).

bob (guest) 09.11.2011#36

the wii is perfectly fine

Guest 11.11.2011#37

Wanted a ps3, kids got a Wii for christmas last year. Cod is its only saving grace.

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