Wii Grapples WWE '12 This November

By Mike Mason 03.11.2011 3

Wii Grapples WWE

Tight lycra, constant feuds and plenty of blood, sweat and tears are the order of the day in the world of professional wrestling. On November 25th, UK Wii owners can lock up with the man mountains of WWE once more in WWE '12.

THQ promise a "rebirth" of the series with WWE '12, with a bold tagline: bigger, badder, better. It remains to be seen just how much the game improves on past efforts, but the list of proposed changes is certainly eye-catching. A new Breaking Point submission system, control alterations and adjustments to the stamina and momentum elements in each match are hoped to change the flow of the series for the better.

Players will be able to take on the Road to Wrestlemania, an all-new story mode, and WWE Universe Mode 2.0 will generate exciting new scenarios - and the inevitable rivalries and alliances that go with them - depending upon how you act. It's a given that WWE '12 will also contain enough creation facilities, from rings to storylines and finishing moves, to keep even the most feverish fan busy.

Check out the media album below for some sweatalicious screenshots. WWE '12 releases on November 25th in the UK, November 22nd in North America.

Will you be smelling what THQ and Yuke's have been cooking?

Box art for WWE '12








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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richard (guest) 03.11.2011#1

Smiliei cant wait on till it comes out wwe12 comes out on my birthday

Raymond Logan (guest) 04.11.2011#2

cool goSmilie

ZORAIZ BUTT (guest) 20.11.2011#3

i need this game but i am not alowwed to get it!SmilieSmilie

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