First Snippets of Phoenix Wright Film in Action

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.10.2011 7

First Snippets of Phoenix Wright Film in Action on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Video gaming's most popular defense attorney is getting his own human movie, and the first footage from it has aired on Japanese TV.

Phoenix Wright, better known on home turf as Gyakuten Saiban is getting a live-action game to movie installment in February 2012. We've had the first still of Hiroki Narimiya as Phoenix and now you can feast your eyes on what appears to be events from the first game played out - including the infamous boat scene and DL6 shenanigans.

The production is being lead by the rather quirky director Takashi Miike who previously gave birth to Ichi the Killer and Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai.


What do you think of the first look at the Phoenix Wright movie?

Box art for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney








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looks amazing so far! I doubt there wont be an english dub or release of any kind outside japan, torrents at the ready people.

2 little nit picks, phoenix and edgeworthy are on the oppisite sides, though that may be intentional to the plot, maybe phoenix is prosicuting, WHO KNOWS! Also not sure what to make of the minority report style flying phantom screens, though i can roll with it if their just visual metaphors for debate and not litterally floating screens.

( Edited 30.10.2011 21:47 by welshwuff )

Aye - I do hope they localise it with an official subbed/DVD release, but will definitely be on this as soon as the fan-subbers upload.

Quite like the style, does look good Smilie

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Robert (guest) 02.11.2011#3

@welshwuff: "phoenix and edgeworthy are on the oppisite sides"

No, they are on the right sides, when a trial begins in the games we see a whole shot of the courtroom for a sec and you can see that Wright is on the right side while Edgeworth is on the left and the judge is in the middle. After that we see Wright on the left and Edgeworth on the right and thats because we see them from the viewpoint where the judge would be.

Robert (guest) 02.11.2011#4

Its hard to hear what the characters are saying because of the ones talking while watching the teaser. "Everyone! Let's scream and be overhyped for this teaser, so that nobody can actually listen to the trailer!"lol.Smilie
On-topic: This movie is looking good so far, and from the looks of it, it seems to cover the second case and the fourth case from the first game. Yeah, I'm liking what I'm seeing so far, although look-wise I'am not so sure about Edgeworth, Maya and Von Karma. Maya don't look cute enough compared to her VG version and I can't help but laugh at Edgeworth, something about his face is funny. And Von Karma looks like he put on some weight^^.

The holographic evidence makes sense. In the games, a lot of the time, when the characters presented evidence, the picture of said evidence would pop up in the corner. This is actually a very clever way of adapting it to screen! It's gone from being a technological constraint of characters not being able to handle evidence and/or a sort of "out of universe" thing where only we, as the player, see the little portraits on our DS screens, to a story-related method of presenting evidence in a non-monotonous way, in keeping with the spirit of the games. This is Ace Attorney, not Law & Order, after all.

I cant' wait for this!!! I was so excited just watching it-- then I saw Lotta Hart and I just laughed. They got the hair down perfect. ;3

damester (guest) 04.11.2011#6

I hope the Rise from the Ashes episode will be there.

Qman252 (guest) 08.11.2011#7

I believe that they are holographic projections like technology people would use in the future. Remember, when PW:AA was made in 2001 they were guessing what we would have 10 years later so they may have tried to incorporate a more technological spin on it.

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