A Wii Mario Kart Wheel... for your 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.10.2011 4

A Wii Mario Kart Wheel... for your 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Peripheral developer Hori, known for their arcade joysticks, will be putting the wheel in the palm of your hands for Mario Kart 7.

The 3DS steering wheel, officially licensed but not produced by Nintendo, is essentially a Wii Wheel but for your 3DS - a circular piece of plastic allowing for easy grip and larger L/R shoulder buttons. Plonk your portable inside and go nuts!

It'll be available for 1280 Yen (£10/$16) alongside the Japanese release of Mario Kart 7 on December 1st.

Image for A Wii Mario Kart Wheel... for your 3DS
Image for A Wii Mario Kart Wheel... for your 3DS
Box art for Mario Kart 7








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This is actually pretty awesome, but it's going to make the 3D effect difficult to enjoy.

Chance favors the prepared mind.

MechaG2 said:
This is actually pretty awesome, but it's going to make the 3D effect difficult to enjoy.

Well yes. The 3ds is a tad bit small for my long fingers also, so I would enjoy this (and that is also why I am eager to get the circle pad add-on).

I allways have the 3D effect on full. But after playing Zelda and Star Fox 3DS I COULD get used to this... I'll give it a chance (controlling with Gyro).

If you're using gyro your meant to turn off 3D. It says so in game. Trying to play with both is ridiculous.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744

Could be done, I guess, but only if you turn it slightly (with your head too), and the ingame movement is exadurated so a light turn = a large turn.

With the 3D off though they should have a mode where the in-game screen stays fixed relative to the horizon no matter how you turn it. (obviously cropping the edges).
...assuming they dont do this already.

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