Coldplay Track Pack Hits Rock Band Store

By 18.10.2011 1

Coldplay Track Pack Hits Rock Band Store on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Harmonix have announced a Coldplay track pack will be making its debut on the Rock Band Store this week. The pack arrives with good timing, since Coldplay's long awaited fifth studio album comes out next week. In fact, one of the tracks off the new album is included in the pack. "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall", along with five of their other popular hits: "Yellow", "The Scientist", "Clocks", "Fix You" and "Viva la Vida" all come in the package or can be bought separately.

You can buy each track for 200 Wii Points or opt to buy the whole track pack for 1000 Wii Points. Of course, this will also be available for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 users, with similar prices of $1.99/160 MS Points and $9.99/800 MS Points.

Box art for Rock Band 3








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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EXCELLENT!!!! My favorite band in the whole wide world is being recognized as it should be because they deserve it and with the number of sales and great songs they made everybody show them some respect. Follow me @youngGONZOdef for more Coldplay and other updates as well

Mamoon Hindi
Will Be

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