Gaia's Moon Announced for Nintendo DSiWare

By Adam Riley 14.10.2011 1


EnjoyUp Games has announced Gaia's Moon for the Nintendo DSiWare download service. Get ready to fly through the skies of Gaia in this fun adventure!

Something strange is causing changes to the balance of energy in the Gaia that is necessary to prolong life. To discover the cause, you must play the role of Atreyu and his magical cane Milo, whose help you will need to be able to fly. Be very careful, though. The whole planet has gone mad and is out of control, and existential chaos may ensue.

Image for Gaia

The mechanics are simple; with a single button you provide the necessary energy to the cane 'Milo,' flying Atreyu through the sky of Gaia. Use your skills to discover who is behind this and return harmony to the Gaia system. There is no point limit; get the highest score possible to rise up the rankings. You will also be able to challenge a friend in two-player mode, sharing the same Nintendo DSi or Nintendo 3DS.

Stay tuned for further updates on Gaia's Moon from the same team that brought out Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ and 99 Bullets.

Box art for Gaia's Moon








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I've liked their releases so I'm waiting for a trailer and screenshots of their newest project.

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