Nintendo Freezes Over Japan with 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.10.2011 9

Nintendo Freezes Over Japan with 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo sure loves colour variations, today confirming a new edition of the 3DS for Japan in time for Christmas: Ice White.

The latest in the line of 3DS consoles takes a more frosted approach to the hardware, following on from the four others on the market - Aqua Blue, Flare Red, Cosmo black and the soon-to-be-released Misty Pink colour in October.

The Ice White edition carries the usual cosmetic changes - white face buttons, D-pad but still carries the usual grey circle pad. It'll become available on 3rd November for the usual 15,000 Yen.

Image for Nintendo Freezes Over Japan with 3DS
Image for Nintendo Freezes Over Japan with 3DS

Will you be indulging in the new white 3DS colour? What do you think of the look?

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They sure are taking new colours seriously this time, aren't they? Smilie..Well, in Japan anyway.

God that's gorgeous.

It wont look gorgeous once those numerous nooks and crannies fill with dirt.

3DS Code 2578-3122-0744
Grace (guest) 06.10.2011#4

What is it with white these days? Mobile phone companies keep doing this. They release black phones as standard then "exclusive" white editions. Same with headphones, computers and other consumer products. What next, televisions?

RT (guest) 06.10.2011#5

Looks like an Apple product now. Well done, Nintendo.

erc (guest) 06.10.2011#6

I had a white ds lite..and I loved it but it got dirty realll fast. I will pass--enjoying my black one--would have loved the red one though--oh well..when there is an update or mine breaks I'll go for a new color.

Jman (guest) 07.10.2011#7

Squidboy said:
It wont look gorgeous once those numerous nooks and crannies fill with dirt.

So true.

And I'm guessing Nintendo's plan is...
Release 3DS in two colors
Start phasing in new colors
Release 3DS dual nub model in two colors
Start phasing in new colors

Robert (guest) 07.10.2011#8

Not a fan of white systems. I bought a black DS and DSi because the colour contrasts the screen better. White surrounding the screen tends to wash out the brightness and colour.

NOOOOOO!!! This is the color I wanted the 3DS to launch with here in the US... Smilie

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