Naka Finishing up on Wii, Ponders Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.10.2011 2

Naka Finishing up on Wii, Ponders Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The father of Sonic the Hedgehog and Wii game Let's Tap, Yuji Naka recently discussed plans for the future on the Nintendo front.

Naka's been an eager beaver, hard at work on the meaty fishing simulator/RPG, Fishing Resort and recently put the finishing touches on Rodea the Sky Soldier. According to an interview with an interview with Siliconera, there currently aren't any plans to take Rodea onto Nintendo's home console, Wii U, as a port and he hasn't received a development kit for the new system.

I don't have a development kit right now. [Laughs] Please ask Nintendo to send me one! Or maybe Bandai Namco Games can send me one. I would really like a chance to play with that hardware. Right now there probably aren’t many development kits.

The game designer also confessed that Fishing Resort would probably be his last Wii project as he isn't currently working on the platform.

I’m proud of my work with these titles, so I can’t wait to see how the players react when the games are in their hands. I hope everyone who plays Fishing Resort gets to be a Grand Angler.

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Not interested at all in his fishing game, but Rodea the Sky Soldier, definitely Smilie. Since Rising Star Games imported Ivy the Kiwi? on Wii and DS (also developed by Prope), maybe we can hope that they'll bring this one as well ? Not sure if Ivy the Kiwi sold well enough to warrant that though.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei said:
Not interested at all in his fishing game, but Rodea the Sky Soldier, definitely.

I second that. Rodea looks like a cross between NiGHTS and Sin and Punishment. I'm curious as to how it will play.

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