Mario Kart 7 Dated, New Gameplay Footage, Characters

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2011 10

Mario Kart 7 Dated, New Gameplay Footage, Characters on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mario and pals are zipping about the Mushroom Kingdom in time for Christmas in Mario Kart 7. Release date and new footage awaits!

During the Nintendo 3DS Conference in Japan earlier today, Nintendo revealed a few new tidbits about the latest racing experience. StreetPass will be used to good effect, with local wireless being used to find and exchange ghost data with folk nearby, but also use this collected data to find the same folk online.

Interesingly, Mario Kart 7 will also be the first entry in the main series to let players leap into a first person perspective and steer using the 3DS gyroscope for motion control.

Nintendo also revealed two new characters which we've spoiler-fied for your reading pleasure - and no, one of them is not Sonic the Hedgehog!

There was also mention of Metal Mario making an appearance for the first time - it's uncertain however whether it's a power up or an additional character.

Europeans can grab hold of Nintendo's latest Mario Kart incarnation from December 2nd.

Box art for Mario Kart 7








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Level design is looking better then the wii version. THe fire flower looks great. No sign of blue shell and bullet either. Hopefully retro know exactly how to put the franchise back on track

Really makes me want to buy a 3DS, some of the levels are looking amazing, some a bit bland. I'm hoping they'll be polished off in time for launch.

Pity it's only 8 player online too.

I still want a return of Mission Mode from the DS version. I loved that Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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meeto_0 said:
Level design is looking better then the wii version. THe fire flower looks great. No sign of blue shell and bullet either. Hopefully retro know exactly how to put the franchise back on track

As far as I've heard Retro only help design one Donkey Kong level in Mario Kart 7. I'm pretty sure they're not helping with anything else.

The game itself looks great though.

Yeah, Retro are only doing a couple of levels.

The game looks awesome, I love Mario Kart and I'm glad that the Para-glider is in because it makes the gameplay look refreshing.

First person steering looks interesting, but probably won't work well with people.

( Edited 13.09.2011 17:39 by Stulaw )

Jman (guest) 13.09.2011#6

Another day one purcahse for me. Glad to see streetpass implementation, but I'm not noticing much of a technological leap beyond the DS version.

I love how it's being advertised with the 3DS, but it's not out until December! Smilie
It does look pretty sweet to be fair though.

Jman(guest) said:
Another day one purcahse for me. Glad to see streetpass implementation, but I'm not noticing much of a technological leap beyond the DS version.

Are you kidding? I think this looks even better that the blocky looking fun that was Double Dash. Maybe better compared even to the Wii game. Runs smooth and very lively animated levels. I'm impressed.

Darkflame said:
I still want a return of Mission Mode from the DS version. I loved that Smilie

Agree; I hope there's enough decent single player stuff than just beating cups on all CCs. I've always felt that Mario Kart could benefit by going down a Crash Team Racing or Diddy Kong Racing route by doing a sort of story mode, along with the missions on top of the races. Not just for single player too; make it so that you can team up and go through the story together. I loved MKWii's online MP but there needs to be strong and refreshing ideas for 1-player too.

8 player online is a bit of a shame compared to MKWii's 12, but it's not too bad. Better than the 4 in MKDS.

No word on voice chat?

Blue shells look to have gone back to their original spiny shell format from MK64.

Considering picking this up on day 1 and kicking some ass again with Daisy!

koopa_kicker (guest) 19.09.2011#10

metal will probally be a powerup that allows you to be heavier to bash others and have an advantage in underwater sections(like the metal suit in super mario 64 let you walk in water)

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