Layton, Phoenix Wright Due at TGS

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.09.2011 2

Layton, Phoenix Wright Due at TGS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Two much loved franchises are coming together on stage at this year's Tokyo Game Show in Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney.

Capcom are well known for melding franchises together in heated versus battles, and the next pair to enter the big franchise brewing pot will be featured on stage on the 17th of September. Not too much is known about the upcoming cross-over project, except that it's being crafted by both the studios that made each of the respective games, plus scenario designs from Phoenix Wright master, Shu Takumi.

Via Andriasang.

Are you a fan of either series? What are you hoping for in this 3DS crossover?

Box art for Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney








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I love Phoenix Wright. I enjoy the concept of Professor Layton, but have never played it. I watched the film and strongly believe it would make a respectable anime.

Although, Phoenix Wright would be leaps and bounds better.

Can. Not. Wait! I still can't believe this is happening but it sounds truly awesome.

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