Aonuma Never Completed First Zelda

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.09.2011 9

Aonuma Never Completed First Zelda on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Legend of Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has confessed: he hasn't been able to complete the first game in the series, it's just too taxing.

Speaking to GameInformer, the series veteran admitted that he almost feels as if "there's still no game more difficult than it", and after struggling too many times, the game designer felt he wouldn't ever consider making a game like the first Legend of Zelda.

A Link to the Past, the third installment in the 25-year old series, was what really persuaded Aonuma to become more involved. Lessons learned from playing the SNES game fed the first title he directed, the Japan-only Marvelous: Mōhitotsu no Takarajima.

The success of the project lead Legend of Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto to officially invite Eiji Aonuma onto the Hylian ship, where he's served as director for numerous titles in the series - including the latest chapter, Skyward Sword for Wii.

Where you able to complete the first Legend of Zelda game?

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If he thinks the original Legend of Zelda is hard, what about Zelda II? Compared to it, the first one is a walk in the park.

I did complete it a couple times but it was actually a few years after I got the Zelda Collector's Edition with it. I got much better at playing games the past few years and had troubles with it and Zelda II when I was younger.

That's ok. Neither have I.

*goes to corner of shame*

Twas a toughie - I never really got into the series until ALTTP and LA, will definitely try to revisit the first two games via the 3DS's VC.

The earlier ones are trickier to find where to go next, whereas WW and TP were far more "go here!"

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I never completed it either. That or Metroid. Both were frustrating if you died because you would have to start back at the beginning of the map. I just don't want to spend the time or effort to work my way through these games.

It's similar to driving a Model T Ford. You can appreciate what it did for the industry and see how it moved things forward, but there's no reason for you to try and drive one to work.

I see design in videogames as having made much more positive steps building on the simple foundations these games laid down. But despite their historical importance, they are just too frustrating and awkward for me to tolerate for more then half an hour or so. Maybe I'm just crap at them however.

( Edited 11.09.2011 00:42 by Lynk )

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Lynk said:I see design in videogames as having made much more positive steps building on the simple foundations these games laid down. But despite their historical importance, they are just too frustrating and awkward for me to tolerate for more then half an hour or so. Maybe I'm just crap at them however.

True dat! I really can't stand the first two Zelda games for the same reasons. It's not like they gives you incentive for exploring either. There are monsters trying to eat you EVERYWHERE, MAN! That's not to say I want my games to coddle or hand hold, just a simple hint system is nice. Nothing is perfect though, and balancing difficulty is something developers struggle with even to this day.

( Edited 11.09.2011 03:36 by Duggler657 )

Started playing this a few days ago, I've done 2 dungeos so far. I thought it was really tedious at first. Used a walkthrough to find me a better sword and shield and I'm really getting the hang of it now.

Yeah, I used a walkthrough, but at least I'm still completing it. xD

I'll probably do the same for Zelda II, that game I got really into but I never knew what to do first/next. So I'll have to get a few hints.

The first two Zelda games are really good, imo. Tedious at first, but once you get better equipped in the game they become a lot more fun. Smilie

EDIT: Oh, btw. This isn't my first time playing it. I have played both of them a few times before, never really progressed in either of them until now though. Smilie

( Edited 11.09.2011 05:09 by Mush123 )

Squidboy (guest) 11.09.2011#8

No big deal, if it was LttP it would be. He should DL Nintendo Power #1 Map. I had photocopies stuck together back in the day.

Jman (guest) 12.09.2011#9

Anyone who has played the original Zelda when it debuted got an experience far different than those who've discovered it in the internet age.
Back then there were no Youtube walkthoughs, Gamefaqs, or the hand holding we see in today's games.
I probably spent hours just bombing random walls, pushing on blocks, and burning bushes trying to find it's hidden secrets. When you did find something, there was a real sense of accomplishment, and we'd mark our packed in maps, and share our discoveries with friends.
It was truly awesome, and there will never be another Zelda experience like it again ever. I'm happy to have experienced it.

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