Rumoured 3DS Software Includes New Ace Attorney, Yoshi Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.09.2011 19

Rumoured 3DS Software Includes New Ace Attorney, Yoshi Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are planning a pre-TGS conference, and rumours have started to come true. Here's another batch of unconfirmed goodies.

In the run-up to what's being touted as a meaty 3DS event, various rumours have already come true - including the Nintendo 3DS with second circle pad and Monster Hunter for 3DS. Now Gematsu are claiming a list of various other treats in store for Nintendo fans, including a brand new Yoshi game and a demo for Super Mario 3D Land.

  • A new Yoshi side-scrolling game from the developer of Kirby's Epic Yarn, Good Feel.
  • A new game from WarioWare developer Nintendo SPD Group No.1/Intelligent Systems.
  • A new Etrian Odyssey for 3DS.
  • Grasshopper Manufacture's The Silver Case making the jump from Nintendo DS to 3DS.
  • A demo of Super Mario 3D Land heading to the eShop.
  • A new Ace Attorney game for 3DS, including a case revolving Edgeworth.
  • God Eater for both 3DS and PlayStation Vita.
  • A release date for The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords.
  • A new game from Umineko developer Alchemist for 3DS.
  • Hatsune Miku for 3DS, with all the songs from Project DIVA and its sequel.
  • These announcements are rumour for now, but what would you like to see Nintendo announce next week?

    The Nintendo 3DS event will be taking place on September 13th.

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    I totally forgot about Zelda: 4 Swords. Smilie
    Is it going to be a GC port, a remake or a whole new game?
    And have they announced online multiplayer yet?

    Canyarion said:
    I totally forgot about Zelda: 4 Swords. Smilie
    Is it going to be a GC port, a remake or a whole new game?
    And have they announced online multiplayer yet?

    AFAIK, it's going to be a straight port of the original Four Swords that came with ALttP for the GBA and it's only going to feature local wireless multiplayer. :/ In other words, totally useless for most people who had trouble finding anyone to play the original with. It's the only Zelda game I haven't played yet, simply because there's no way I can.

    ( Edited 07.09.2011 19:46 by SirLink )

    Canyarion said:
    I totally forgot about Zelda: 4 Swords. Smilie
    Is it going to be a GC port, a remake or a whole new game?
    And have they announced online multiplayer yet?

    From what I've heard it's just a port of the GBA version, the one that came with A Link to the Past.

    This is Nintendo we are talking about, don't expect anything great. A Demo of Super Mario Land 3D? DOUBT IT!

    Jman (guest) 07.09.2011#5

    Wow, some great (if unsuprising) stuff if true. Yoshi side scroller from the Epic Yarn team sounds sweet!
    I'm guessing God Eater would be a whole new edition since it's also hitting Vita.

    SirLink said:
    AFAIK, it's going to be a straight port of the original Four Swords that came with ALttP for the GBA and it's only going to feature local wireless multiplayer. :/ In other words, totally useless for most people who had trouble finding anyone to play the original with. It's the only Zelda game I haven't played yet, simply because there's no way I can.

    As far as I'm aware, online co-op has not been dismissed. Unless they have dismissed it and I'm not aware of it... Smilie
    I'm pretty sure they haven't stated whether it'll just be local or local and online.

    Mush123 said:

    As far as I'm aware, online co-op has not been dismissed. Unless they have dismissed it and I'm not aware of it... Smilie
    I'm pretty sure they haven't stated whether it'll just be local or local and online.

    Well, the last time I've heard anything about it was at E3 and there was only mention of wireless local multiplayer. Smilie They are releasing it for free too, so it's unlikely that they are going to add online. :/

    Yoshi's Island 3 please! And no crappy baby gimmicks (Peach, Bowser etc).

    Great move by a certain website, reviewing Yoshi Story just in time for this Yoshi rumor to pop up. Smilie
    Truly a clairvoyant move.

    Duggler657 said:
    Great move by a certain website, reviewing Yoshi Story just in time for this Yoshi rumor to pop up. Smilie
    Truly a clairvoyant move.

    I know! It was purely coincidental, let me tell you! Jesusraz edited in the bit in my review about the rumoured Yoshi game, and I was confused until I read this rumour for myself! Really was perfect timing!

    Even though these came from 2ch, I think most, if not all of these could probably be true, I'm sure Four Swords was going to be released this month anyway. I would like to see a new side scrolling Yoshi game, hopefully more in the line of Yoshi's Island, than Epic Yarn in terms of difficulty.

    None of those really surprise me, God Eater's massive in Japan, and since Monster Hunter was released on a Nintendo console, I guess God Eater can too.

    And a new Ace Attorney game wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

    If this is Nintendos big effort for 3DS theyre in trouble, Yoshi's the only interesting thing on the list for me

    Hm, a free and online version of 4 Swords Adventure (GCN) does sound too good to be true... Smilie

    Well, I guess I'm not missing out on anything then, not having a 3DS. Smilie

    Fire Emblem/Advance Wars 3DS PLEASE!

    All great news (except for the last game on the list). A 2D Hand Drawn Yoshi game from Good Feel would be awesome.

    Rob (guest) 08.09.2011#16

    "A new game from WarioWare developer Nintendo SPD Group No.1/Intelligent Systems."

    Is it a new WarioWare game or a new IP? If it is the former then I'am not interested (I love the Wario games but not the WarioWare games).

    "A new Ace Attorney game for 3DS, including a case revolving Edgeworth."

    I don't care much for the other rumors execpt for this one, this better be true.

    Also, wasn't Silver Case cancelled?

    WarioWare games can be great (TWISTED) or a let down (TOUCHED).
    If they put effort in, a 3DS one could be amazing - 3d,Motion,Touch and Camera based games. Online rankings? Maybe even a design-a-game function.
    Lots of possibilitys.

    As for 4 Swords...probably not online. I think they are doing a fairly quick port and dealing with online lag may be too much work.
    (You very rarely, if ever, see a older game get online added as normaly things have to be designed for it in mind). <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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    We know already that it's going to be a remake of the GBA one. That's been announced in a post-E3-conference interview (of Reggie on GTTV if memory serves right).

    Whether it'll have online or not hasn't been confirmed, but being a DSiWare (and NOT 3DSWare) I'd be surprised if it does have online.

    Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
    Jonny Tanna (guest) 05.10.2011#19

    So what's the update on 'The Silver Case'

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