Famitsu Reveals Monster Hunter 3G for 3DS

By Shane Jury 07.09.2011 30

Famitsu Reveals Monster Hunter 3G for 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After a successful outing on PSP, Capcom will be bringing the Monster Hunter series to 3DS with an enhanced version of Monster Hunter Tri. The game is planned for an end of year release, and seeing as how the original made it overseas, this one should too.

Image for Famitsu Reveals Monster Hunter 3G for 3DS

Announced alongside the game was the Nintendo 3DS Expansion Cradle which will enable the game for Dual-Analog control.

Some basic details for the game have been mentioned. Water elements that were missed for the PSP edition of Tri are restored in 3G, and the controls for them are slightly different owing to the touch screen and button setup. Other titbits include include local wireless play and a new main cover monster named Blakidios. The game will be playable at Tokyo game show next week.

Will Monster Hunter Fans be eagerly anticipating this installment after it dominates Japan?

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Geez, there goes Capcom killing my hype for this game by saying the infamous line “There are no plans to bring it to the West for now.". I know this doesn't rule out a possible release in the West but after seeing how much awesome content it's going to have, I'm starting to worry a bit. Smilie

Hopefully, it's going to be the same case as with Tri and Nintendo is going to publish it in the West.

( Edited 07.09.2011 23:30 by SirLink )

Ok who REALLY didn't see this comming....

But in all honesty I'd take MM Legends 3 over this....especially if it's EXACTALY a port of the Wii one with only 1 new Monster...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

SirLink said:
Daaamn, thanks for posting those! Smilie Smilie I've always wanted to play with Dual Swords and a Bow but obviously that wasn't possible in Tri. I'm so hyped right now, I probably won't be able to sleep. Smilie So much new stuff for me coming from Tri, I can't fucking wait! Smilie

I know how you feel, I can't wait.Smilie

SirLink said:
The new cover monster kinda looks like a Barroth on steroids, doesn't it? Smilie

Yeah XD with boxing gloves on, there's more about the monster and game here, it's an official comment from Capcom.

Squidboy (guest) said:
Anyone know if it has Voice Chat or any other form of communication that isn't dumb?

I would assume it would because a lot of DS games use voice chat in online modes. Pokemon even lets players make video calls.

( Edited 08.09.2011 05:07 by L )

Vorash Kadan said:

But in all honesty I'd take MM Legends 3 over this....especially if it's EXACTALY a port of the Wii one with only 1 new Monster...

No, it's not. We can already say that from the small bits of information we have right now. For once, there are going to be all 12 weapon classes in the game, instead of only 7 they had in Tri. That alone already means a ton of new weapons and thus content. You might not know, but all weapon types in MH are very complex (to learn and master) and that alone already makes this a big deal. Scans have also shown an area from Freedom Unite with highly likely more following and an all new hubworld, which has been designed specifically for 3D.

This isn't going to be an exact port of the Wii game by any means.

Quote of the Day (about the Blakydios (cover monster)) from IGN

When it punches, it also releases this sticky material on the ground that gradually builds up and explodes over time. Blakydios's moves are pretty simple, but it's spewing this goo all over the place, so players have to a close eye on their positioning at all times.

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