Ubisoft Attempting Gaming Tablet?

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.08.2011 1

Ubisoft Attempting Gaming Tablet? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A leaked video campain suggests that Ubisoft may also attempt to crack the video game tablet market with a new peripheral, inTouch.

Tablets, tablets, tablets. Fairly soon the world may give up tactile buttons, opting for large slabs and writing implements like the good old days.

THQ has already had a crack at producing an art and gaming tool for the Wii with uDraw, and if rumours are to be believed, Ubisoft may also be brewing an peripheral of their own.

An internal marketing video that looks fairly legit was removed from video site Vimeo under the grounds of infringing "UBISOFT TABLET". The clues are certainly in the name there! The sequence was a montage of your traditional Wii family enjoying various games and interactive tools on a small tablet akin to the uDraw.

Image for Ubisoft Attempting Gaming Tablet?
Image for Ubisoft Attempting Gaming Tablet?

What do you think of the idea? Is there room for more than one tablet device - should there be a standard, like the upcoming Wii U controller?

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Guess now we know how many Wii U projects Ubi will have at launch!

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