CoD: Modern Warfare 3 Shoots Up Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.08.2011 6

CoD: Modern Warfare 3 Shoots Up Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Update: It has been confirmed that Treyarch, who has plenty of experience developing Call of Duty specifically for Wii, will be crafting the latest installment for Nintendo's home platform.

Original Story:
The latest chapter in the ever-popular Call of Duty franchise, Modern Warfare 3, will also be heading to Nintendo's Wii.

Confirming the news to Eurogamer today, Activision publishing exec Eric Hirshberg explained to investors why Nintendo players will also be able to engage in the experience - "so as not to leave any of the community out of the excitement".


No additional details were mentioned, nor who would be developing the Wii version. Treyarch was responsible for previous Nintendo Call of Duty games, so it's likely the same folk will be putting together a Modern Warfare 3 port for Wii.

Are you interested in the latest follow-up to the successful war shooter? Will you be playing on Wii?

Box art for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (2 Votes)

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I'm curious to see what its looks like, even if im picking up the ps3 version... and...


Been wanting to say tthat for agess!SmilieSmilie

Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

Well its not going to be as serious as the 360/PS3 versions, it will be the same as Modern Warfare on the Wii. Why did they skip Modern Warfare 2? that doesn't make any sense to me, if your like me and like to actually follow the storyline of the franchise then this is a horrible move. Sure they will have a recap moment at the start of the game but its not the same as playing and experiencing it for yourself.

This is just Activision pulling out all the guns to go toe-to-toe with EA's Battlefield 3 and trust me when I tell you this, I have the alpha trial to BF3 on the PC and it is amazing, compared to what I have seen what Modern Warfare 3 can do, it just does a whole lot more, plays better and looks a whole lot more better. MW3 on the other hand is still running on the same engine MW2 and Black OP's is running on. Activision finally realize they have some serious competition and know that they have to do everything to get the upper hand in this 1.

Just to update, Treyarch is developing this version of Modern Warfare 3 for the Wii.

chris (guest) 05.08.2011#4

Modern Warfare 3 fan site has an article up saying that MW3 will run faster than Battlefield 3. It's going to run at or above 60FPS. I think battlefield 3 is a lot of hype and it won't even pale in compairson to modern warfare 3. Admittedly the two previous COD titles have been lackluster, however i think mW3 will return to dominance.

It won't have Nazi Zombies, so it fails.

Davion (guest) 09.08.2011#6

I think you hit a bluleyse there fellas!

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