Pandora's Tower Heading to Europe in 2012

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.07.2011 17


Pandora's Tower is heading to Europe to complete the "big three" Wii exclusives due for release in the continent.

The action chain-wielding epic from the makers of the One Piece and Jump Stars games, Ganbarion, was playable at Nintendo's booth at Japan-Expo in France this weekend - alongside previously confirmed Wii titles Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story, confirmed by French site LiveWii.

The third-person action game revolves around hero Ende, who uses a chain, scythe, sword and a pair of meaty daggers to slay monsters. Sounds fairly normal, but the twist here is that Ende snags the flesh from this beast in a bid to save a cursed singer Ceres before the timer hits zero and the poor girl is transformed into a rather beastly beast.

Nintendo of America has no plans to release any of these three games despite huge demand from fans and an ongoing campaign Operation Rainfall.


Nintendo have yet to announce the game officially, but given its presence at their own European booth, a release is practically a given.

European fans - will you be picking up this game? American folk, do you wish for a North America release?

Box art for Pandora's Tower





Real Time RPG



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European fans - will you be picking up this game?
I almost jumped off my couch when I read this! That should give you a good idea what my answer to that question might be. Smilie

If I was american right now that would be the straw that broke the camels back. How can you openly state that these three impressive games are coming to europe and not give a firm yes or no North America.

Just region unlock these games and allow americans to buy from nintendo online and/or europe

( Edited 03.07.2011 15:55 by meeto_0 )


Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

You just know they'll all be 50hz interlaced only!

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Awesome news, especially about The Last Story (which interests me most of those 3).

This is good news. I'm not really keen on Pandora's Tower (looks too meh) or Xenoblade (creepy faces!!!) but am lookinf forward to Last Story! Smilie

As a North American fan, yes I do hope for their release here! They sound awesome! And I loves me some RPGs which the Wii is in short supply of.

What is wrong with NoA?

So, we got 3DS trailers late, and the 3 (non-Zelda) likely Wii "swan songs" confirmed.
I think we got the wayyyy better off deal. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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A great time to be a PAL gamer! Smilie

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ChaosOnline said:
What is wrong with NoA?

Reggie Fils Aimé Smilie !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Well, that's great for European Wii owners.. sucks for those of us in the Americas.

Well you Americans have been spoiled a good deal over the years. Maybe it was our turn now? Smilie

But in all honesty now, I am truly happy to be a Euro gamer now. I haven't played RPGs for some years now since there has been too much crap (what happened with the Final Fantasy series?) but Xeno and TLS seem very interesting to me... Pandora? Well the trailor looked rather good actually... We'll see I guess..

To you Amercians (this time without bad humor) I feel sorry for you. But I see that Europe has a bigger market for JRPGs then the US of A has. And Nintendo might agree with that. I could be wrong though.

Our member of the week

EvonM said:
Well you Americans have been spoiled a good deal over the years. Maybe it was our turn now? Smilie

They had (good ?) reasons for that in the past. Reworking games so that they ran without any issue in 50 Hz costed money, and so did translating the games in at least french and german in addition to the english already done of the North American market.

But here, the games will come to Europe, be playable in 60 Hz from the start and already be translated in English, so there's no good reason for them NOT to release those games in NA, since that would require little investment over the European localization.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
EvonM said:
Well you Americans have been spoiled a good deal over the years. Maybe it was our turn now? Smilie

They had (good ?) reasons for that in the past. Reworking games so that they ran without any issue in 50 Hz costed money, and so did translating the games in at least french and german in addition to the english already done of the North American market.

But here, the games will come to Europe, be playable in 60 Hz from the start and already be translated in English, so there's no good reason for them NOT to release those games in NA, since that would require little investment over the European localization.

You should have gotten the sarcastic joke...Sorry

Our member of the week

Either way, what I said was true, whether you intended it as a joke or not. Anyway, no prob Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
emir (guest) 05.07.2011#16

Mang this is great news you know i was mad that i was going to play The japanese versions thanks noe i will buy the three exclusives from california

happy to try hand at this game 8) .. but maybe in a week, now I have other more important expenses

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