Crytek Still Showing Interest in Timesplitters IP

By 28.06.2011 2

Crytek Still Showing Interest in Timesplitters IP on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's questionable whether Timesplitter 4 will ever see the light of day, but there have been some glimmers of hope. Crytek have spoken about the IP before, explaining they had discussed it, but that we'd maybe have to wait until after Crysis 2 to hear anything. NowGamer spoke with Crytek in a recent interview and asked whether they have any plans for a new game in the series.

Crytek co-founder, Avni Yerli, responded by saying: "From our perspective we always had a lot of fun playing Timesplitters - Timesplitters 2 was amazing fun. Crytek and Crytek UK are interested in the IP; we are thinking about it but we’re trying to decide what we could do best with the IP, where we could bring it. There are no concrete plans yet."

NowGamer proceeded by asking whether they would consider a HD collection of the existing games. Yerli replied: "That’s a good idea! (laughs) There are indeed a lot of games doing it but we haven’t thought about that yet. But it’s a good idea..."

Would you be excited for a new Timesplitters game?

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Well like I said in my thread post, as much as I'm dying for TS4, it will be years before it arrives, so I would be content if they released an HD collection with online support.

Or something similar where they would have one disc with all 3 games' story modes, and then a huge combined multiplayer mode which takes all the levels, characters and challenges etc from the 3 games. With of course added online play and especially for mapmaker where you can whack your levels up online for everyone to download.

Virus is one of the best multiplayer modes I've ever experienced. That and Flame Tag were born for online. Anyone with a love for games needs to experience these games. If you ever only play one FPS in your life, make it TimeSplitters 2. Cheap as chips on PS2, but also on GameCube and Xbox. Do yourself a favour.

Sergio (guest) 29.06.2011#2


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