Iwata, Miyamoto Blocked Zelda Anniversary Collection Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.06.2011 10

Iwata, Miyamoto Blocked Zelda Anniversary Collection Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Thinking Nintendo would release a Legend of Zelda anniversary anthology akin to Super Mario Bros? Miyamoto and Iwata say no.

With both franchises celebrating their birthdays, fans expected similar promotions for both. Last year Nintendo released Super Mario All-Stars - 25th Anniversary Edition, a boxed package for Wii containing four of the original Super Mario Bros games on a single disc.

It looked like there may have been a similar deal for Zelda fans with the North American branch proposing a similar package. Both Satoru Iwata and series creator Shigeru Miyamoto stepped in and denied the project, claiming it's "not the Nintendo way".

Instead there'll be Legend of Zelda themed concerts and older games re-released on newer platforms, like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D.

If Nintendo changes their minds, what games would you like included on an Anniversary disc? Should Nintendo eventually release a disc with games in their historical/timeline order?

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They already did it on GameCube, so it's definitely not the case of it "not being the Nintendo way", since they've already done that in the past. I don't see what they problem is really :/. They would just have had to bring back the content from the GameCube Zelda Collector Disc + at the very least A Link to the Past, and presto !

Since all these games (the two NES, the SNES, and two N64 games) are already available on Virtual Console, compiled to run on Wii, it would require nearly zero effort from them, and people would still be begging to get their hands on those.

( Edited 17.06.2011 14:46 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:

Since all these games (the two NES, the SNES, and two N64 games) are already available on Virtual Console, compiled to run on Wii, it wound require nearly zero effort from them, and people would still be begging to get their hands on those.

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( Edited 17.06.2011 14:40 by SirLink )

They already did it on GameCube,

The GC collection(s) were a free bonus.

The Mario one was a insanely priced straight port of All-Stars. Not even the one with Mario World.

Frankly, I'm greatfull Nintendo arnt considering doing such a thing again as I think it hurt their reputation a little.

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Darkflame said:
They already did it on GameCube,

The GC collection(s) were a free bonus.

In my homecountry you could get the disc on Club Nintendo, in exchange for stars or get it as a free gift in Mario Kart Double Dash console bundles...

But I saw it for sale in bundles with other GameCube games in Switzerland during a stay there, so it wasn't for free in those cases (Bundles like Metroid Prime+Zelda Collector or Pikmin+Zelda Collector)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'm surprised, but can't say I'm too bothered considering I own every Zelda game anyway.

But the point about them instead re-releasing older games makes me wonder what else they have planned. Majora 3D is a given. Link to the Past remake has been hinted at. Four Swords, Link's Awakening and Ocarina are done. I guess the other ones to re-release on 3DS would be Zelda 1, Zelda 2 and Oracles. FSA, Minish and Wind Waker I think are more unlikely to see re-release, but it would be nice just so that others can experience them. WWHD would be lovely, Nintendo (hint, hint).

Meh, I still have my gold cartridges and my N64. Nintendo can go fuck themselves.

In some ways I'm glad that Nintendo didn't decide to do this - Mario All Stars Wii was a hilariously overpriced disc and booklet/CD that really didn't do much to encompass Mario's history and got a bit of a slating from fans.

With OoT out on 3DS and Link's Awakening on the Virtual Console, probably would have ended up being Zelda, Zelda II and Link to the Past, which imo is still better than Mario All Stars anyway.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I bet if the Mario Anniversary disc had sold better, they might have had other thoughts about this...

Its a shame, its also Metroid's 25th as well. Nintendo aquiring currency and disregarding women again Smilie

awsome wow Zelda is 25 year old wow that realy good for a videogame I first hearing about Zelda back in the 80's I was around 10 or but I never really played a game zelda I just got the legend of Zelda Ocarina of time 3D and it's my first Zelda game ever and so far it's awsome . can't wait for the Zelda game to come out for the wii. I also can't wait for the resident evil game to come out for the 3ds later this month I already preoder my copy at gamestop.

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