Famitsu Fans Want New Breath of Fire Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.06.2011 3

Famitsu Fans Want New Breath of Fire Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japanese magazine Famitsu held a Capcom feature this week, with the classic RPG series Breath of Fire top for sequel potential.

The magazine quizzed Japanese gamers into which series from the makers of Resident Evil and Street Fighter they would like to see get a sequel. The top candidate and most wanted franchise ended up being Breath of Fire.

The game spawned back in 1993 on Nintendo's SNES and got an immediate follow-up a year after. Since then there have been a handful of PlayStation entries and portable ports on the Game Boy Advance, each spanning a world populated by various anthropomorphic species, dragon folk and continually recurring protagonists who go by the name Ryu.

The series was also voted 4th in a similar survey across all publishers in Famitsu back in 2009.

With so much fan interest and a brief stint on the Virtual Console service with Breath of Fire II, there may just be a growing flame for the classic series.

Monster Hunter was the second franchise to make the cut. There was also a survey into the top Capcom series. Resident Evil wears the crown, followed by Monster Hunter in second and Street Fighter in third place.

Top Capcom characters ranged from Ryu (Street Fighter to Dante, Mega Man, Jill Valentine and Monster Hunter's Felyne.

Would you like to see a new Breath of Fire game? What are your favourite Capcom titles?

Box art for Breath of Fire








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Our member of the week

I'm not for ports, but I have yet to taste Breath of Fire III, IV and Dragon Quarter. III & IV got remakes for the PSP. A compilation of both for 3DS, in 3D please Capcom Smilie ! But that's just me.

A whole new episode would be great as well.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
guest305 (guest) 16.06.2011#2

Barely any mention of 3, 4, or Dragon Quarter. They were all good games, but 3 is still the best for a good number of reasons. A remake of that would suffice, but all 3 would be great.

It's not just Famitsu fans... I want a new one as well! I liked the last one, even if the "die to continue" mechanic felt a bit odd the first couple of hours.

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