E311 | Ubisoft's Wii U Developers Conference Now Watchable

By 13.06.2011 4

E311 | Ubisoft

This years E3 saw Nintendo hold two developer roundtables. The first was held primarily to discuss Nintendo's new hardware and software and featured the likes of Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto. The second was more of a surprise. It turned out Ubisoft stepped up to the stage instead and showcased their early developed "experiences" coming to the Wii U.

The conference was exclusive for E3 attendees only, but Ubisoft have now uploaded it in video form, so others can watch it. Saturo Iwata also makes a brief appearance at the start of the conference and speaks about the bond between the companies, as well as the history they've had together.

Throughout the most of the video, Ubisoft show a number of its upcoming "experiences" for the Wii U. Key employees working on the games are also asked questions during the later half. Software shown includes Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Online and a Wii U exclusive, Killer Freaks from Outer Space

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I already saw it somewhere. Iwata reading from a paper was annoyingly emberassing.

I suspect this was a last minute thing, hence the reading from the paper.

I was laughing at the Ghost Recon trailer, but it looks good for something that's only really in early development on the console. The touchscreen use is quite cool. I think I'll be wearing headphones with the controller. Running seems to be fine with the Circle Pad by the looks of it.

From the sounds of it, online's like it is on PC.

Killer Freaks looks quite nice, OTT, but fun.

Overall, nice to see Ubisoft trying, can't actually wait to see what the finished products look like.

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Yves' Frenchy accent gets on my nerves Smilie. I know mine's not much better, but I'm not CEO of a huge multinational company. Oh well... Anyway...

I'm really looking forward to Killer Freaks. The humour reminds me of HotD:Overkill, which is a massively underrated and awesome Wii game Smilie.

Also worth noting is that, supposedly, Ubisoft Montpellier is doing BG&E2 as well (since they did the first one), as we speak, and it's said to be aimed at the next generation of systems. So if they're working on Wii U down at Montpellier, maybe they're developping BG&E2 in parallel with Killer Freaks, both on the Wii U.

Since the Wii U is part of the so called next generation... who knows ^^, maybe we'll be getting BG&E2 on Wii U first, before any other console.

( Edited 13.06.2011 22:41 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
PatgataGrardy (guest) 18.06.2011#4


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