The controller for Nintendo's Wii U console is remarkably similar to the uDraw Wii peripheral. What does THQ think about that? According to a representative of the company, there is no problem at all.
If anything, it means that whatever ideas have been stored up for uDraw can be transferred across easily to Wii U.
...none of this is a surprise. As you know, we thought of it 18 months ago and released it last season. We think we're really on the front foot for it and well poised to exploit this because we've already been playing with the drawing mechanic and we've got a lot of game designs in the pipe. It's only going to get better with that experience.The other thing that's really interesting is that THQ never really went about being a peripheral manufacturer - that wasn't our intent. But we had to do so to exploit this new gameplay opportunity and that broader market. The fact is we had to create our own peripherals, including for 360 and PS3, to be able to play with that audience.
- Martin Good, Executive Vice President of THQ's Kids, Family and Casual Games label.
Do you feel the current uDraw line-up should be directly transferred to Wii U, or would new experiences be preferable? Also, do you suspect THQ was actually involved in the creation of the Wii U's controller?