There was a time when Square Enix's Final Fantasy brand carried real weight and if the company announced it was going to bring the series to a new console it meant fans around the world would start having palpitations. Nowadays, however, the name has been whored so much that even when Square Enix turns round and, as it did with 3DS last year, says Final Fantasy will arrive on the new platform, the statement's power has dwindled to a certain degree.
However, saying that, it is pleasing to hear that Wii U is not being forgotten about. Whilst there is no news of Hitman from the Eidos side yet, nor a new Dragon Quest from the Enix element, the remnants of Squaresoft and the Final Fantasy legend will possibly be gracing Wii U at some point.
Three or four years ago we joked around about developing a Final Fantasy game on the Wii Fit balance board. But after seeing Wii U revealed at Nintendo's conference, we are now considering the possibilities of bringing the Final Fantasy series to the format.
- Square producer Yoshinori Kitase.
When Square Enix finally decides to bring the Final Fantasy brand to Wii U, what style would you prefer - regular turn-based Final Fantasy, Crystal Bearers-esque action, standard Crystal Chronicles multi-player fun, something like Final Fantasy Tactics, or something different altogether?