E311 | European eShop Gets First 3D Film Trailer

By 11.06.2011 4

E311 | European eShop Gets First 3D Film Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During a 3DS press conference, held back in March, Nintendo revealed that 3D film trailers and other video content would be coming to the device. Whilst 3DS owners got a taste of 3D video with a sample clip that came with the first system update, there's been nothing since. However, a new film trailer for the upcoming film adaptation of the Green Lantern has appeared in the eShop.

Users will be able to see it promoted on the eShop's main menu and it can then be downloaded for free, to the systems SD card. The trailer borders upon hefty with over two minutes of footage and it's all in glorious 3D.

Nintendo plan to extend its 3D videos features in the future, providing free content from Eurosport, Sky 3D and exclusive Shaun the Sheep episodes. Short form video content will apparently be automatically delivered to your system when you pass through a wi-fi hotspot.

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Is this supposed to be up now? Because it ain't on my eShop main page (living in the Netherlands, btw.)

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
Mark (guest) 11.06.2011#2

It's wkd got it last night about one in the morning so really it was todAy but u have to sleep before the new days starts lol but yer it's wkd let's hope more come soon and we can by vids as well

Are you able to save the trailer to an SD card? Would it appear as a file on an SD card that you could then transfer to a computer and email to someone if you wanted?

Gotta say, I'm impressed with the quality of sound the 3DS has with this trailer. 3D is pretty good too, looking forward to more of these. Smilie

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