E311 | Cooking Mama Continues to Grow

By Adam Riley 10.06.2011

E311 | Cooking Mama Continues to Grow on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following a series of main entries and spin-offs, the Cooking Mama series has surpassed all expectations. Whilst mainly on Wii and Nintendo DS, the Cooking Mama set of culinary-themed mini-games has become so popular that its developer even changed its name for Office Create to Cooking Mama Ltd.

Since the first ever Cooking Mama on the Nintendo DS in 2006, there have been 12 million copies of the franchise sold across Wii and DS, with sales now stretching across mobile phone versions as well.

Where next, though? Well, Cooking Mama 4: Kitchen Magic will be arriving on the Nintendo 3DS this coming October, whilst Camping Mama will land on the regular DS that very same month.

Box art for Cooking Mama 3

Office Create







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