E311 Media | Zelda Skyward Sword Gameplay Walkthroughs

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.06.2011 12

E311 Media | Zelda Skyward Sword Gameplay Walkthroughs on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo took The Legend of Zelda to the E3 with playable demos of this year's adventure. See how it's shaping up in new videos.

The SkyWard Sword demo takes Zelda fans deep into the game's opening dungeon and high above the clouds in the title's flying mechanic. Learn to fly and dabble in the 1:1 swordplay in these off-screen videos. There's also a glimpse of the new endurance metre, a limit to Link's physical action like running for example.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is out this fall. Be sure to visit our official Skyward Sword topic and view screens/E3 trailer in the E3 2011 report.

What do you think of the latest Legend of Zelda chapter? Are you excited for this year's Wii release?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (28 Votes)

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This looks amazing. Seeing this kind of game makes me sad they are focusing on the wii U controller. We never got enough games like this.

To be honest I hated red steel 2. I hardly played it. I thought the mechanics we're flawed and it was insanely linear and boring.

I'm still sceptical about the motion controls. From what I've seen so far, I'd still rather just play with a GameCube controller. Maybe I'll be proven wrong, when it's released though.

Other than that, it looks absolutely fantastic! It's easily my most anticipated game out of everything we saw at E3.

( Edited 10.06.2011 10:28 by Marzy )

Zelda needs to evolve. I agree with controllers. Control may be thin

I fail to see how either of the above posters came too have their worries. The videos clearly demo that the combat has evolved. The minions within the world now have to be approached with consideration instead of just tapping A.

THe demo looked like her motions were very accurately copied.

The whole thing looks intuitive and really easy to control. I much prefer pointer controls for aiming then using analogue sticks. Its quicker and easier to make small adjustments when aiming moving objects.

This looks like it controls a heck of a lot better than Red Steel 2 and that wasn't bad, it just sometimes failed to register movements.

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At first I was not too excited for the new Zelda. The 2010 trailer did not really show anything that made it stand out from previous Zelda titles. However after e3... I can't wait to play it! It looks absolutely gorgeous, and that antagonist looks completely badass.

If the controls work, it will of course be fantastic. I have seen videos where it doesn't look like it's working so well. Perhaps it's the fact the players weren't doing full swings though.

Yeah, doing full swings does help, especially judging from RS2.

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Marzy said:
If the controls work, it will of course be fantastic. I have seen videos where it doesn't look like it's working so well. Perhaps it's the fact the players weren't doing full swings though.
The controls work pretty much flawlessly according to a lot of hands-on articles. You just have to watch the right videos to see that in action. Videos where people waggle helplessly give a completely wrong impression of the game. It's similar in other games too though. Watching a good player playing a game gives a much better impression of it than watching someone who doesn't know what the hell he's doing.

It seems that most people are still used to the waggle in Twilight Princess. I can consider myself lucky that I never played the Wii version of it, I guess. Smilie

That's great then, even more to look forward to about this game. Smilie

That girl's voice.... Smilie Do you guys know Priscilla Ahn? Korean-American singer, really cute. Her voice is so similar!

Frankly I never had any problems with the waggle in tp for the sword. It added nothing - but took away nothing either. What DID make the TP controls better was the IR aiming for the arrows hockshot and some of the minigame stuff.
Its a shame everyone focus on the waggl/mc and forgets the Wiis best feature is often IR aiming.

Anyway, this looks great indeed. Giving us more control, not just different control.
My only worrys are how repedative it is. Backtracking and collecting stuff killed TWW for me.

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