E311 Media | Tekken Holds King of Iron Fist on 3DS and Wii U

By Shane Jury 10.06.2011 5

E311 Media | Tekken Holds King of Iron Fist on 3DS and Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Last seen on Nintendo hardware in the days of the Game Boy Advance, the Tekken series is set to grace both the 3D enabled DS successor and the future HD-equipped Wii U machine. Developers Namco Bandai have issued a press release confirming the two games.


TOKYO, JAPAN - June 7th, 2011 - Leading video game publisher and developer NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. today announced that two new TEKKENTM titles are under development on two Nintendo platforms; Wii UTM, which Nintendo Co., Ltd. is expected to launch in 2012, and Nintendo 3DSTM.

Selling more than 40 million units globally, the TEKKEN™ franchise is one of the most popular fighting game series of all time, featuring unique characters, fastaction, and original storylines for each of the title’s iconic characters. The TEKKEN™ franchise has a rich history with Nintendo, having first appeared on the company’s platforms 11 years ago with ‘TEKKEN ADVANCE™’, which released in December 2001 for GAME BOY ADVANCE™.

Wii U™ and Nintendo 3DS™ will bring TEKKEN™ into the next generation, and the third dimension, for Nintendo players - who can expect more dynamic and thrilling fighting experiences than ever before.

‘TEKKEN™ (working title)’ for Wii U™ will bring the ‘TEKKEN™’ franchise to a Nintendo home video game console for the first time, making full use of the new platform’s cutting-edge performance to deliver a new fighting sensation for TEKKEN games™.

‘TEKKEN™ (working title)’ for Nintendo 3DS™ will see the famous King of Iron Fist Tournament fought in the third-dimension for the first time, with Nintendo 3DS™ delivering a more realistic and dynamic TEKKEN™.

Release dates and prices for the new TEKKEN™ titles are to be confirmed. For more information, please visit: www.namcobandaigames.com; http://www.facebook.com/Tekken; http://www.twitter.com/Harada_TEKKEN.

Brief footage of both games are in the short interview below, with the extra features of the Wii U controller demonstrated with customization control. Also, from a
Gamespot hands-on preview, the 3DS game looks set to outmatch both Street Fighter 4 and Dead or Alive by maintaining a 60 frames per second framerate while 3D is enabled.


Will you be celebrating Tekken's return with a purchase in the near future?

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I've never really played Tekken due to having no Sony products, but I will get this on the 3DS over the Wii U version because fighters make more sense to me when they are portable. And more worth it as I can't ever seem to justify full price for a console fighter because the content always seems so basic/repetitive.

I've played Tekken on the PS2. On 3DS becomes a new dimension of gameplay.

I've always wanted to get a PSP to get my fix of portable fighting games. Looks like the 3DS will cater for all my needs. Looking great!

Will probably get the 3DS version. Unless the Wii U version has extra content or something.

This is great news for both the 3DS and the WiiU. An IP that hasn't been seen on a Nintendo platform in over a decade. If this doesn't show that 3rd parties are backing the WiiU and 3DS I don't know what will.

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