E311 | Bioshock NOT Planned for Wii U

By Adam Riley 09.06.2011 17

E311 | Bioshock NOT Planned for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whilst seeing Ken Levine of Irrational Games was seen up on the big screen praising Nintendo's new Wii U console, a short video interview with him has actually revealed that his team has not even done the initial analysis of whether or not working on Wii U would be a viable option. Therefore, anyone expecting Bioshock to be officially confirmed straight away should not hold their breath in anticipation just yet.

Levine went on the defensive in the video interview, but did admit that as a gamer himself, the whole concept of being able to transfer a HD gaming experience to the controller for playing in bed whilst his wife sleeps, is indeed an excellent prospect. He also stated how he hopes Nintendo does deliver everything it told him about the plans for Wii U before he agreed to be part of the E3 video reel.

Would you like to see Bioshock on Wii U, and do you think some developers are being too cautious about the system?

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I think they should do a Bioshock collection including Infinite. I don't see why they wouldn't.

But then, it'll probably be better just to make the next games in the series for the console, since they'll likely be using the hardware better.

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Not every developer is similar to say Ubisoft who are often the first to start making games(or ports) for new consoles. I'm sure more developers will start getting into Wii U once more is known about it. I think that till E3 2012 much more developers will be on board.

Give it a year or so and we will see. BioShock was a 360 exclusive for a while, but not any more, so it can be safely assumed that it will happen. Seems like Infinite will be coming out at a similar time as well.

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The good news (and the title of this article can be a little misleading) is that there are currently no plans simply because they haven't had much, if any, hands-on time with the console and dev kits. It's not because they don't like the system or it's capabilities (in fact Levine is pretty excited about some of features).

( Edited 09.06.2011 22:30 by Sonic_13 )

Our member of the week

I think they're being cautious with good reasons. With Nintendo, it seems it's always big promises, but they fail to deliver on a lot of them, and that can be seen with the 3DS, with how they said we'd be getting at least one big wii title every month this year (and seriously, we're NOT !), etc etc etc...

Their promises are great, but are they gonna deliver on all that ? I understand that some developers are taking a careful approach with that system. All the promises are great, but knowing Nintendo, we need proof of all that.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
With Nintendo, it seems it's always big promises, but they fail to deliver on a lot of them, and that can be seen with the 3DS, with how they said we'd be getting at least one big wii title every month this year (and seriously, we're NOT !), etc etc etc...

Can you explain what promises were made that weren't kept?
Also, the underlined sentence makes no sense.

Kafei2006 said:
they said we'd be getting at least one big wii title every month this year (and seriously, we're NOT !),
What? When did Nintendo ever say we'd be getting one big Wii title every month this year? All I know is that in Japan Nintendo has a big Wii game coming out every month, though some of them are ones that are out for us already.

@ Sonic: He's giving examples.

1. failed promises with 3DS
2. no big Wii title each month

I thought the same as you but I think this is what Kafei means.

Our member of the week

Iwata made such a statement sometime around February or March, can't remember exactly when or what the context was, but it concerned Europe. At that time they said they'd reveal games for Wii even BEFORE E3, and some speculated that they'd be announcing games already released in Japan for Europe for release in Q2 2011. But they didn't, if you don't count Xenoblade being announced, but this isn't due before September at the earliest. And Last Story doesn't have a firm release date either.

@sonic_13> what big games can you cite for March, April, May and June, released for Wii in Europe ? Where are the videos for 3DS which at first were said to be there at launch ? Did the May update arrive in May ? what 3DS games are we going to play over the Summer, is Zelda going to last us two three months till Starfox 3D comes out ?

@Azuardo> Sorry for the lack of clarity, but that was exactly what I meant.

( Edited 09.06.2011 23:43 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Kafei2006 said:
what big games can you cite for March, April, May and June, released for Wii in Europe?
No one else here recalls Nintendo having made that promise. It's especially suspect since you claim it was said in Feb or March when they would have known for sure what games were coming out in the following months. Four major games don't suddenly disappear and they would not have been sudden surprises either - can you name what they were supposed to be?
Kafei2006 said:
Where are the videos for 3DS which at first were said to be there at launch?
The video channel is coming soon. Info was just added this week on nintendo.com about it. It was officially announced by Reggie at GDC2011 with no mention of it being available at launch. They mentioned the idea of it at the previous E3, but nothing definite. In regards to actual movies, here's a direct quote from Iwata at E3 2010: "Nintendo 3DS is also capable of displaying 3D Hollywood movies. We are not announcing any specific plans this week...".
Kafei2006 said:
Did the May update arrive in May?
No, but it arrived less than a week into June. Who knows what caused the delay. It could have possibly been technical glitches, wanting to time it with E3, double checking security due to the PSN fiasco.
Kafei2006 said:

What 3DS games are we going to play over the Summer, is Zelda going to last us two three months till Starfox 3D comes out?
This is a complaint (albeit a legit one) and not related to any promises.

( Edited 10.06.2011 00:16 by Sonic_13 )

Possibly Kafei, you are referring to this?

Satoru Iwata has revealed that Nintendo will publish roughly one Wii title in Japan every month for the rest of the year.

Don't know if a similar thing was said for Europe or any other type of statement, but I went Googling for what you mentioned and found that.

I get where kafei is coming from. The company has a poor online showing. So what does nintendo do with regards to the 3DS functionality? They sell it with no eshop then promise it in may, then release it in June.

They release it with a skeleton of content, they over charge for GB games.

It may be wii's last year as a stand alone console but you cant have such a barren lineup. So what does reggie do? there are quality 3rd party games in japan that would be great in america. He wont confirm pandora, xenoblade or last story.

Then reggie arrogantly says they have online covered for wii U. Sorry, but how? what are the ideas, how is it different to wii.

They say wii U is for everyone but every nintendo demo but one, looked like a wii game from the wii play series. (they looked fun dont get me wrong)

Why not demo what the controller could do using tech demos of pikmin, Mario, metroid and not Mii's.

Its no surprise the shares dropped. The concept is good but no software to back it up was underwhelming

( Edited 10.06.2011 08:04 by meeto_0 )

meeto_0 said:
I get where kafei is coming from.
I don't think you do, because he is talking about specific promises Nintendo made and broke, while you post talks mostly about expectations and disappointments, but not anything that Nintendo said specifically and didn't follow up on. Not that some of those expectations/disappointments aren't legit, but the two issues are very different.

meeto_0 said:
Then reggie arrogantly says they have online covered for wii U. Sorry, but how? what are the ideas, how is it different to wii.
Can you please provide me with a source for where/when he said this?

meeto_0 said:

They say wii U is for everyone but every nintendo demo but one, looked like a wii game from the wii play series. (they looked fun dont get me wrong)

Why not demo what the controller could do using tech demos of pikmin, Mario, metroid and not Mii's.

As you said yourself, they are just tech demos, not games (though I would not be surprised to see some of them as games later). Nintendo did demonstrate what Wii U could do with one of their core franchises and, in my opinion, demonstrated very well - Zelda HD.

meeto_0 said:
The concept is good but no software to back it up was underwhelming

We still have another E3 before launch. As I've said in other threads, at two E3's before launch for Wii all we saw was the console itself. No controller, no games, no demos (and the stock dipped then too). Next year we'll have a full lineup of first party titles and even more third party titles.

Sonic_13 said:
Can you please provide me with a source for where/when he said this?

During his interview with Geoff Keighly of GTTV, I believe it was. I saw it, and when pressed on answers about their online service, Reggie said along the lines of: "We've got another roundtable meeting, and E3 isn't over. By the end of the week we'll have that box ticked."
At the roundtable, it was all Ubisoft. When asked about online, they pretty much indicated it was their own uPlay service, and it is up to Nintendo to disclose their online plans. Since then, GameTrailers spoke to a Nintendo rep who confirmed that Nintendo will not be putting into place a system-wide online service, instead leaving it up to 3rd parties to make their own choices on that, and Nintendo will help them achieve it.

Basically, no centralised Wii U gamer IDs.

Fucking. Ridiculous.

However, there is uproar everywhere I go about it, and I hope to god Nintendo hear the backlash. There is plenty of time for them to change their minds on this. But the fact that this is what they think will pull veteran gamers in is unbelievable. This is a step BACK from the bloody 3DS.

While it's likely games like Smash 4 and Mario Kart are going to have online again, if we're going to have to be making user accounts for every new online game, that's plain stupid. Just the same as friend codes.

This is something that is going to make me think twice about getting the system at the beginning. Not unless we get some massive first party games am I going to get it if we don't have a proper online structure in place.

Edit. Getting a lot of conflicting reports about this. Looking into it.

( Edited 11.06.2011 00:19 by Azuardo )

Gonna have to excuse the double post here, but I feel the need to attempt to clear things up on the whole online thing, seeing as we're on topic about it here, but I'll repost this in the Wii U thread too, if anyone wants to discuss it further.

I had to do a bit of research into exactly what's been said by Nintendo up till now regarding online. I don't think I'll do a very good job summarising, so to make it simpler, and to save time, I'm just going to copy/paste some posts made by users at the Wii U board on gamefaqs and quotes from elsewhere which should hopefully clear things up and hopefully let us breathe a sigh of relief (myself included).

Nintendo says that with the launch of the Wii U the company plans to offer an enhanced online service that will offer online friends tracking, friends lists, achievements, achievement tracking, and perhaps the most interesting offering is online match scheduling via the Wii U touch screen controller.

Nintendo claims that once released, the Wii U will offer an online experience that rivals what is currently being offered by Xbox Live and PSN.


According to the developer, the new console will support friend lists and allow players to arrange online matches with the tablet controller, even when the TV is being used for non-game applications. Each player will have their own personal account, rather than the “friend codes” that each Wii sported.

No more of this...ever

That’s right - friend codes are dead.


Gamefaqs posters from this thread:

lol you guys are misinterpreting what he said...not having a centralized online system doesn't mean its going back to friend codes, it means that its not going to be akin to what PSN and Xbox Live is, in other words, centralized servers that PSN and Xbox Live can control.

Instead, each developer will provide their own servers, like Ubisoft is doing with Ghost Recon (hence why they said "on an account basis") in fact, this is great news...this means that each developer has the freedom to add whatever they want to their servers instead of going through the appropriate channels that PSN and especially Xbox Live require

In fact, its more akin to PC than it is to PSN and Xbox Live

In response to someone saying this: "This means that the service is dependent on the developers and not Nintendo. Not good.", someone replied:

3rd Party Developers disagree with you...they've been numerous complaints and criticisms from them about how Sony and Microsoft handle their online systems, that is why Square Enix eliminated the possibility of FF14 on 360 (whether thats good or bad is subjective btw), that is why Valve did not want to deal with consoles because the Orange Box for PS3 and Xbox 360 were significantly inferior to their PC counterparts due to Microsoft and their egos not letting them update Team Fortress 2 (its just that Sony woke up with the idea of them having Portal 2).

That is why 3rd party devs are excited about the Wii U simply because of that freedom...


- Nintendo will have friend lists, messaging, video chat, voice chat, achievements and stats.
- Nintendo will handle servers/online for their own titles.
- Nintendo will have an open online for other companies to have more open, free-reign over their titles, such as EA handling their own infrastructure (as they like to), Ubisoft doing the same, etc.
- Nintendos open online will allow MMO devs a chance to finally give MMO's a chance o a console. Just look at Ghost Recon Online as proof, you think ubisoft would be bringing Ghost Recon Online over if it wasn't happy with nintendos online?

Just as an example for what this means to those who can't grasp it. Blizzard could bring Diablo 3 to Wii U, with it utilizing blizzards own Battle.net and blizzard could update their game at will without having to go through 200 feet of red tape like they would if they tried to do an update to XBL.

That's a good thing.

Reggie himself said that FC's are out, however, he never said that they would have a central network. This, just like the 1 tablet with Wii controller support, is a good thing that is misinterpreted as bad. To uphold an entire network would cost a fair amount of money for Nintendo. That's why MS charges for online, and why Sony is losing money by the minute. This essentially means that you won't have to pay to get a great online experience like with XBL. If done right, this could be great.

Again, no "centralized system" is not necessarily a bad thing. It just depends on if it means like "No centralized online like the Wii", or "No centralized online like Steam, meaning each developer can do their own thing and it will just run off our servers."

Is making an account really that hard? If they did something like this, you'd probably make an account for each game, i.e type in a name. I doubt they would do a password or anything. Also, none of this has been fully confirmed. They may decide to make an entire network. Nobody really knows for sure. I'm just pointing that it could be good if there was no central network. Another possibility is that they have a very lose network, such as that you make an account, and that it is used globally for all games, but it is up to the devs to set up the online with help from Nintendo.

So yeah, these guys explained it better than I ever could. I didn't even realise that this was the case. I was one of those ignorant ones who assumed things and quite simply don't have the knowledge of how online works. So hopefully, this will be perfectly fine and Nintendo will confirm things properly eventually.

Wow, thank you very much for researching all that!

I don't mean to sound like I'm always arguing or defending, but there is so much misinformation or stuff that people simply make up out there that I like to have sources to back claims.

Sonic_13 said:
Wow, thank you very much for researching all that!

I don't mean to sound like I'm always arguing or defending, but there is so much misinformation or stuff that people simply make up out there that I like to have sources to back claims.

It's cool, I always get where you're coming from. You always want sources to be sure, which is the right way to go about things.

But I still think things are not fully detailed by Nintendo at the moment. Someone like Reggie should really have come out and explained exactly how they're doing it, instead of relying on little bits here and there, and leaving it up to the more knowledgeable online gamers to figure it all out.

People like myself couldn't work it out. Even now I don't think everyone fully knows. Some of those quotes have them saying we don't know for sure, but are merely assuming.

Nintendo really should come out and clear it up just to put our minds at ease.

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