E311 Media | More Zelda: Skyward Sword Details, Trailer, Art

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.06.2011 7

E311 Media | More Zelda: Skyward Sword Details, Trailer, Art on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Skyward Sword producer and Zelda father Shigeru Miyamoto discussed the new Wii game in a developer roundtable yesterday.

One of the new mechanics outlined during the session found Link using his sword as a "dowsing rod" to look for hidden objects. In the example he needed to find pieces of a key to a temple.

Image for E311 Media | More Zelda: Skyward Sword Details, Trailer, Art
Image for E311 Media | More Zelda: Skyward Sword Details, Trailer, Art
Image for E311 Media | More Zelda: Skyward Sword Details, Trailer, Art

Collecting will be a prominent feature this time round, with Link needing to enter a special area called the "Siren World". To do this, when you arrive at a certain location you sink your sword into the ground to transport yourself to this world. Siren's described as an alternative world where, according to Aonuma, you'll spend a lot of time restoring spirits and the like. Collecting is timed to a flower blossom that slowly wilts away, and every time you find a required droplet, it renews.

The Zelda producer also confirmed that Skyward Sword "paints the creation" of the Master Sword, and that the blue character shown is a spirit inside Link's sword.

Aonuma explained how he and the team wanted a stronger emphasis on back-tracking, with new puzzles opened in areas previously explored - for a less linear approach to the traditional Legend of Zelda framework. He emphasized how being familiar with environments (presumably dungeons included) is a key part of the new game.

Image for E311 Media | More Zelda: Skyward Sword Details, Trailer, Art
Image for E311 Media | More Zelda: Skyward Sword Details, Trailer, Art
Image for E311 Media | More Zelda: Skyward Sword Details, Trailer, Art

Miyamoto agreed, commenting that Skyward Sword is as game that "you can play for a very long period of time". The map/overworld system is said to have had a shake-up, with improvements leading to a more "interesting" world spanning multiple layers and sub environments.

Image for E311 Media | More Zelda: Skyward Sword Details, Trailer, Art

The Zelda and Nintendo teams are hard at work to make the forthcoming game "the kind of game we can close the Wii chapter on.

I told Aonuma that if this wasn’t the best Zelda ever, we might have to stop making Zelda games" - Shigeru Miyamoto

If you missed it, here's the E3 2011 trailer viewable in HD also.


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is due out later this year.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword





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Great to see that they're putting all their effort in Skyward Sword to make sure that the Wii definitely goes off with a bang. The complete restructuring of the formula, with visiting places you've already completed for new puzzles and challenges, a mixed up overworld and the ability to upgrade your equipment and weapons along the way all sounds really great.

I got the last point up there from a quote from the official Skyward Sword site on Nintendo Network. You might want to add something of that to the article.

Along the way, Link gathers a massive inventory of peculiar items and resources that can be used to upgrade many of his weapons and equipment.

I told Aonuma that if this wasn’t the best Zelda ever, we might have to stop making Zelda games" - Shigeru Miyamoto

I don't think I've ever seen Miyamoto have such confidence in a new Zelda game. It must REALLY be something phenomenal. Smilie I'm really starting to think that saying that Skyward Sword will be Zelda's Super Mario Galaxy wasn't an overstatement. It might just finally take the crown of my favorite Zelda game, as I still haven't decided between The Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess.

Btw, am I the only one who thought that the villain looked really weird at first and now I'm slowly starting to think he's looking really cool?

( Edited 08.06.2011 12:57 by SirLink )

I think this trailer changed my mind about the game. I was initially not impressed, but I am and will probably end up getting it!

That said.. based on the game description - it looks to burrow some ideas from Okami Smilie

Wii Code: 6399-3866-6269-0745
PSN: SherWiinator Currently playing: LOZ: SS
Wishlist: Last Story, Pandora's tower, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3

I was always excited about this game and never saw how anyone could think it looked ugly. Even though it will probably be standard Zelda fare, and probably pretty easy, I can't wait to play it.

Anyone else notice that the dialogue seems darker in this game. Here are some quotes from when the villain first meets link.

"I'll just beat you within an inch of your life"
"I promise up front not to murder you..."
"This turn of events has left me with a strong appetite for bloodshed."

Nice. I'm thinking of going on a media blackout of Skyward. Want to keep this as fresh as possible. I haven't looked too much into the game this E3. Haven't watched any demos or anything (there are demos of it right?), because I don't want to jump on the hype train. I'm just going to look forward to it and enjoy it when it comes.

I want to go on a media blackout too but I don't think I can. I'm probably more crazy for Zelda games than you are for Final Fantasy, Azuardo. Smilie

The thing for me is, I somehow still greatly enjoy games I already know a whole lot about while many others find it not as good. I don't think I've ever been disappointed by a game due to my high expectations, so I guess I can consider myself lucky on that front.

Anyway, I'm at least somewhat successful with it so far. I haven't watched any of the demos (in comparison, at last year's E3 I watched like every video of the demo I could find) so it's a good start at least. I'm confident though, that even with reading everything about Skyward Sword before its release, we'll still know less about it than we did with Twilight Princess.

Golden Wiimote bundle, you shall be added to my collection.

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