E311 Media | EA Boots FIFA 12 Onto 3DS

By Stuart Lawrence 07.06.2011

E311 Media | EA Boots FIFA 12 Onto 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

FIFA 12 is the most innovative, feature-rich, and authentic 3D football experience on Nintendo 3DS. Make sure you mark your man with all-new optional touch screen controls. Pick a spot precisely from the player’s viewpoint using the lower touch-screen and then direct a shot with pinpoint accuracy.

Whether fans choose to compete as a real-world superstar or re-create themselves in the first-ever 3D Street Soccer mode, the environment will come alive through an innovative curved pitch that maximizes full 3D effects. FIFA 12 will feature over 500 officially licensed clubs and eight different game modes, including authentic 11 versus 11, head-to-head multiplayer, Be A Pro, Tournament Mode with over 50 real-world competitions, and a full in-depth Career mode.

New screens are in the media folder below.

Box art for FIFA 12



EA Sports





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