E311 Media | Luigi's Mansion 2 Confirmed for 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.06.2011 1

E311 Media | Luigi

Update: Nintendo have released new screens and info on the sequel to the critically acclaimed GameCube launch title on the 3DS with some new screens to boot.

The features for the new game include a new strobe function that players have to activate to stun ghosts before sucking them in, since shining a light may no longer work. More mansions with different types of ghosts in each one, all with their own hidden secrets and puzzles.

Players can still use the Poltergust to help Luigi remove wallpaper or suck up treasure and money, with the 3D visuals bringing the ghosts and surroundings to life.

There is also an E3 trailer for all of you's that missed it.


The "second brother of gaming" made a surprise appearance at Nintendo's E3 presentation today. Luigi is back!

The underrated GameCube launch title Luigi's Mansion will be receiving a full sequel on the 3DS. New mansion, gameplay mechanics and neat 3D effects ahoy! Luigi's Mansion 2 once again brings a unique action/horror experience to Nintendo fans! Hoovers at the ready!

3D Luigi's Mansion 2 trailer/screenshots to be updated shortly.

Box art for Luigi's Mansion 2
Also known as

Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon


Next Level




Action Adventure



C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (3 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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