E311 Media | See a Hand-Drawn Rayman in E3 Origins Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.06.2011 6

E311 Media | See a Hand-Drawn Rayman in E3 Origins Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rayman Origins is coming to Wii alongside high-definition brothers. See the hand-drawn limbless hero in his E3 2011 trailer!

Ubisoft's cheeky mascot has decided to ditch the Rabbids that have plagued his adventures in recent years and revisit his 2D platforming roots with a prequel - how did he and goofy accomplice become competent heroes? Well it appears they started out rather insane, and Origins aims to explain how.

Franchise guru Michel Ansel took the stage during Ubisoft's E3 presentation today to play through the game, revealing new mechanics, gameplay sequences and noted how up to four players will be able to work together (or counter-operative).

Via N-Europe


Box art for Rayman Origins





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Out now   

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still no online games huh....

LOOKS INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! This and Battlefield 3 are the games of E3 so far. Battlefield 3 destroyed CoD so hard.

It actually looks really good. I remember the trailer last year which was incredible. Looks like a PS3 purchase for me

Does Holiday 2011 mean Thanksgiving, November?

But yeah, this looks great. The hand-drawn graphics are gorgeous. Not quite the Rayman I loved on the PS1, but this looks awesome all the same. Looks to retain its difficulty, but hopefully won't be too frustrating. I take it you can play the co-op online?

Good work from Ubi anyway.

Definitely the highlight of my E3. I'm so glad this franchise is coming back!

The on stage presentation for this game was so enjoyable too. I loved the enthusiasm.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Coming to 3DS and Vita!

Google translation from here:

Presented in more detail at this E3 2011, Rayman Origins is part of the games that we have really liked. If you already knew that the game would come out officially on PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii, our intrepid reporters have left lying around their ears toward the Convention Center and learned a few little secrets that Ubisoft was careful to report us. Thus we learned that Rayman Origins would also born on the handheld versions with 3DS and PS Vita as well. Congratulations to our journalists for this new little scoop!

I'll be picking up the PS3 version, but this is good news for handheld players. Game is looking very fun.

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