Ubisoft SupPORTing Nintendo's Project Café

By Stuart Lawrence 12.05.2011 12

Ubisoft SupPORTing Nintendo

With Nintendo set to release details on their new console at E3 next month, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has expressed his excitement for working on it, more specifically porting games made for other consoles to Nintendo's next Generation Console.

Speaking at an investor call today Eurogamer have quoted him in talking about how his teams will be able to utilise the games made for other platforms to Nintendo's console.

The platform Nintendo is coming with is really a fantastic platform. We think it will be extremely successful,

What we see is that we will be able to leverage a lot of the work we do for Xbox 360 and PS3 while we create games for the platform.

So we will not have to redo completely the games that we create. We'll be able to use all the capacity the console is giving but also use all the work we do for the other platforms

Nintendo hasn't released any specifications on the console yet, but this could mean seeing some Ubisoft franchises not seen on a Nintendo home console this generation.

What do you think of Yves' comments? What do you want to see from Ubisoft on Project Café?

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I would like to see high expectations for the new console because of this partnership from everyone especially the people who often compare the limitations of the Wii to 360 and PS3 because even with the limitations to its hardware, the Wii still kicked everyone ass for good amount of years. If Wii dominated the gaming market back then and still to some extent this year, then imagine the possibilities of Project Cafe

Mamoon Hindi
Will Be

The pun in the headline is LEGENDARY. Smilie Drop a post here if you want a shiny star as a reward for that, Stulaw. SmilieSmilie

Give the star to Adam (jesusraz) he's the genius behind it, I just put the news up.

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No titles from Ubisoft come to mind right now for games that got released on PS360 which I'd like to play... but this can't be a bad thing.

The only Ubisoft titles I can think of right now are Prince of Persia (though the last one got a Wii version which turned out to be pretty good, even better tan the other versions in my eyes) and Assassin's Creed, but I have no interest in that series.

The (supposedly ?) upcoming Beyond Good & Evil 2 though, I'd like to see that launching on Café alongside PS360 though Smilie. I'd defintely pick it up, since I loved the first one on Gamecube.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Well this down plays for any future ports being made for the console. System will be on the same level PS3/360 no need to downscale the coding to fit the architecture of the game, I see what I like. Smilie

This is no way good news, its exactly the same as the Wii which came out equal to last gen. As soon as microsoft and sony release their new console, Nintendo will just be a less powerful console full of late ports.


Nouknouk said:
This is no way good news, its exactly the same as the Wii which came out equal to last gen. As soon as microsoft and sony release their new console, Nintendo will just be a less powerful console full of late ports.

Actually, I think the next console is more powerful than this gen, it's just Ubisoft being lazy.

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I actually doubt the PS4/720 will be that much of a big jump up in power as the previous leap from last-gen. Games will take even longer to develop, cost of development will be higher and therefore games will be really expensive. I don't think the developer or consumer wants that.

I think Microsoft and Sony will follow Nintendo's Wii idea next-gen. The console will be more powerful, but they will concentrate on an innovative way of playing games, instead of ramping up the power of the system.

As for the Ubisoft ports to N6, I don't find it particularly good news, personally. It feels lazy and reminds me of when PS2 games were ported or made for both the PS2 and the Wii.

Yeah, games are too expensive to develope as it is...a similiar leap in detail level and half the studios in the world would go bankrupt after one game failure.
(likle many already do)

That said...I'm really worried for Nintendos next system. Im scared they are going to dump all the good work they did with the Wiimote/Nunchuck rather then evolve the design.
The touchscreen idea still seems amazing limited to me.

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Im not sure there is anyway back for the wii remote. THe first incarnation tarnished the idea of motion controls with many who had grand ideas of a star wars light sabre game.

MP being an add on meant only less then 10 games used it. The lack of power from the wii meant hardly any current FPS made it to the wii. Many in non nintendo forums seem to think the whole thing was gimmick and think two analogues is the be all and end all.

And if nintendo dont put a new wii remote in the box consider it dead tech. History has showed countless times that separate accessories do not get many games made for it.

Dr. Shrapnel (guest) 13.05.2011#11

Translation: Cafe will be getting 360/PS3 ports.

This is to be expected, and it's really not such a bad thing. Assassin's Creed is one of the greatest, if not the greatest new franchise of this generation.
I just wouldn't get my hopes up for a slew of Cafe exclusive features in these games. Cafe won't have the installed base to justify the extra development expense, so don't be disappointed when Cafe versions aren't utilising whatever neat features the controller has, to it's fullest.

Dr. Shrapnel (guest) said:
Translation: Cafe will be getting 360/PS3 ports.

This is to be expected, and it's really not such a bad thing. Assassin's Creed is one of the greatest, if not the greatest new franchise of this generation.
I just wouldn't get my hopes up for a slew of Cafe exclusive features in these games. Cafe won't have the installed base to justify the extra development expense, so don't be disappointed when Cafe versions aren't utilising whatever neat features the controller has, to it's fullest.

Assassin's Creed, Splinter Cell, maybe the full version of Ghost Recon come to mind. I think they might dip their two in the Red Steel waters one more time, especially if the console can now free the development team from a lot of the restrictions that held them back on Wii, and if the cafe comes with a typr of Wiimote Plus in the box. You might see it loose the Red Steel name and go by some variation of the Kusagari name. Red Steel 2 was freakin sweet.

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