Nintendo 3DS EU Update, 7th June

By Adam Riley 12.05.2011 4

Nintendo 3DS EU Update, 7th June on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of Europe has this morning announced that the latest system update for the handheld Nintendo 3DS system will be available in Europe starting on 7th June, 2011.� By downloading the free update via a broadband Internet connection, Nintendo 3DS users can enjoy a number of new features and enhancements including an Internet browser and access to the Nintendo eShop, where users can browse and purchase downloadable content.

Full details of what can be expected have not yet been revealed, but no doubt confirmation will arrive in the coming week or so.

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D: So the May Update is in June? Dammit, I was hoping it would be soon. T_T Oh well, still looking forward to it, guess June is gonna be a good month with a cool update and Zelda to look forward to. Smilie

you said MAY update Nintendo, may!

Am gutted about it not being this month, but now this update has become far more interesting, as that day is Nintendo's E3 press conference. It's likely that their online partner for the new home console is also going to be powering the 3DS infrastructure and they don't want to reveal it too early. Plus, live 3D streaming is more likely now. Smilie

Can't wait! Definitely want more things to do with the 3DS, though DoA/SFIV are keeping me satisfied for now. Am curious about the browser too - if they (as in the developer) could have pulled a better job than Opera did with the pretty decent DSi Browser.

Social networking, social networking is a must with this, definitely. Nintendo cannot afford to skimp out on the basics, especially with the 3DS receiving Spot and StreetPass updates automatically. Sure, StreetPass is an interesting idea, but Nintendo need to embrace Facebook, Twitter at the very least!

( Edited 13.05.2011 02:01 by jb )

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