Nintendo Employs New Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing

By 11.05.2011 6

Nintendo Employs New Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America have been without a Vice President of Sales & Marketing since last year, well, officially speaking. Around six months after Cammie Dunaway moved away from the job, Nintendo have now replaced her with a new employee, named Scott Moffitt.

Moffitt has previously worked with big name companies, ranging back to 20 years worth of experience in similar roles. His previous job was at Henkel Consumer Goods, where he oversaw North American operations for leading personal-care brands such as Dial, Right Guard, Tone and Pure & Natural. After five years as senior vice president and general manager for the Personal Care division, Moffitt has now found a new job at Nintendo of America, where he will be responsible for the sales and marketing of Nintendo products.

Moffitt will be effective at the company starting May 9th, which will give him just under a month till Nintendo's Press Conference at E3 2011. Will we be getting a taste of his marketing skills during the conference? be sure to see on June 7th, where Nintendo will also be revealing their new console.

Scott Moffitt makes a marvellous addition to the Nintendo team. His expertise in driving growth will be a terrific asset as we build momentum for the Nintendo 3DS system and continue to reach new audiences for the Wii console.

Reggie Fils-Aime, President at Nintendo of America

Nintendo is a brand unlike any other. I look forward to helping shape the company’s future for all kinds of players.

Scott Moffitt, Vice President of Sales & Marketing

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This is why the American business system is silly. Pretty much any company will hire someone based on position alone. Thus, we get a guy who used to sell soap working for a top video game company, lol.

I don't know, maybe I just don't get how business works.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Just because he sold soap doesn't mean he doesn't know anything about videogames. Besides, it's more important to have marketing experience than videogame experience for his position.

What a moffitt! Smilie

Meh, never really liked her anyway.

Will be interesting to see how this guy presents the goods at the conference. Can't be any worse than Cammie's first presentation. Smilie

I miss CammieSmilie

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