Rebecca Chambers Joins Resident Evil Roster

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.05.2011 7

Rebecca Chambers Joins Resident Evil Roster on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom today confirmed that S.T.A.R.S. team's youngest member, Rebecca Chambers will be joining Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D.

The 3D action-shooter spinoff now has its seventh playable character, the nippy Miss Chambers, who's an expert in biochemistry but also appears to have an extensive knowledge on throwing grenades at unsuspecting members of the undead!

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries has also been confirmed for a release on June 28!


The Official Resident Evil page on Facebook is also offering fans the chance to bag a 3DS and a copy of Mercenaries by entering a UK/US/AUS competition dubbed "The War on Horror".

Image for Rebecca Chambers Joins Resident Evil Roster
Image for Rebecca Chambers Joins Resident Evil Roster
Image for Rebecca Chambers Joins Resident Evil Roster
Image for Rebecca Chambers Joins Resident Evil Roster
Box art for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D








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she looks 19 goin on 50 D: did they try to make her look older or something cause they did an odd job of it o.O

Having my doubts about Leon now. It'll be blasphemous if he isn't in the roster. I liked Becky in RE Zero, though I hated her voice change in the Chronicles. Anyone know if she has her Zero voice or Chronicles voice?

Pretty sure it's her VA from Chronicles. I knew about her being in for ages since their was a gameplay video of her ages ago xD

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Can't wait for this. I want this game as much as I want OoT3D, and that's a lot. :3

Azuardo said:
Having my doubts about Leon now. It'll be blasphemous if he isn't in the roster. I liked Becky in RE Zero, though I hated her voice change in the Chronicles. Anyone know if she has her Zero voice or Chronicles voice?

I liked her voice in Chronicles. I like Stephanie Sheh, haha. But her voice in Zero did seem more fitting. Still, they'll probably get Stephanie Sheh again, just because she's a successful voice actress, where the girl who played her in 0 was never really in anything.

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justonesp00lturn said:
Azuardo said:
Having my doubts about Leon now. It'll be blasphemous if he isn't in the roster. I liked Becky in RE Zero, though I hated her voice change in the Chronicles. Anyone know if she has her Zero voice or Chronicles voice?

I liked her voice in Chronicles. I like Stephanie Sheh, haha. But her voice in Zero did seem more fitting. Still, they'll probably get Stephanie Sheh again, just because she's a successful voice actress, where the girl who played her in 0 was never really in anything.

Which is a shame. Nothing against her VA in Chronicles, it's just that she ended up having this girly, higher-pitched voice that really made me think wtf.

Rebeeca (guest) 11.05.2011#7

Lol where is Leon?

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