Collect Dead Or Alive Costumes via StreetPass

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.04.2011 11

Collect Dead Or Alive Costumes via StreetPass on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Tecmo Koei has announced plans to share additional costumes in Dead or Alive: Dimensions using 3DS StreetPass.

For two months after the May 24 US launch, bonus costumes will be distributed exclusively using local wireless StreetPass technology. Standing alongside a fellow Dimensions owner will give you the opportunity to download up to 34 new costumes for your 3D fighting roster.

Trading will commence May 24th to June 26th with another chance to download between June 28th and July 31st.

What do you think about the scheme? Would you like to see other bonus content distributed via Nintendo's StreetPass?

Box art for Dead or Alive Dimensions

Team Ninja


Tecmo Koei





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Sounds good, but I'd rather it be SpotPass as more people have internet access than the ability to be able to StreetPass with other people.

But meh, not sure if I'll be able to recieve these unless I force GAME to turn their 3DS on and register DoA for StreetPass. xP

Or maybe have both SpotPass and StreetPass.. that way almost everyone can recieve these costumes. Smilie

Still looking forward to this though.. even though I'm crap at fighting games.

Sounds good. I've already got 6 other Mii's in my Plaza Smilie


I'm actually looking forward to DOA: Dimensions, it's more my type of fighting game, unlike Street Fighter, and it looks like it has a lot of effort put into it.

Nice to see them using the StreetPass function, although I only know a few people who live near me who have a 3DS, and they're more interested in sports games.

it looks like it has a lot of effort put into it.

It's a port of a 7 year old Xbox remake of a Dreamcast game, but yeah.

( Edited 14.04.2011 12:17 by Raff )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Raff said:
It's a port of a 7 year old Xbox remake of a Dreamcast game, but yeah.
No it isn't...
At first glance Dead or Alive Dimensions seems to be a port of the Xbox's Dead or Alive Ultimate, but it is in fact a new compilation featuring content and characters from all four games.



Gameplay demo for those that want to see it. Smilie

( Edited 14.04.2011 13:13 by Mush123 )

All these great fighter games finally coming to a Nintendo system. I am ashamed to say it, but I'd really like to see the new Mortal Kombat game on the 3DS.

PMD said:
All these great fighter games finally coming to a Nintendo system. I am ashamed to say it, but I'd really like to see the new Mortal Kombat game on the 3DS.

Yeah, we're gonna be spoilt for choice by the time BlazBlue Continuum Shift II comes out. Wonder if this will spark Ninty into doing another Smash Bros?

I'm really looking forward to DOA. But I'm a bit unsure how this whole Street Pass thing works. I mean, if I don't get the game for a while, I'll have missed the download dates for the costumes - that's a bit unfair, isn't it? Why can't you just download them online?

Azuardo said:
Yeah, we're gonna be spoilt for choice by the time BlazBlue Continuum Shift II comes out. Wonder if this will spark Ninty into doing another Smash Bros?

I'd love to see a Super Smash Bros. game for 3DS. Maybe when Project Sora have finished with Kid Icarus: Uprising they could start working on a new Smash game.. with DLC!

I can't see it happening myself, but I'd love it if it did.

( Edited 14.04.2011 16:44 by Mush123 )

IIRC, Masahiro Sakurai put SO much effort in Brawl that it destroyed him, like working 40 hours without sleep or something, so he said that it would be the last Smash game he worked on. Maybe my mind's just playing tricks on me again but I think he said that somewhere.

Still, I think we'll see a Super Smash Bros. game for the 3DS at some point looking at the capabilities of the 3DS. Smilie

Every other site states that costumes are being released vis Spotpass, not Streetpass.

So this will ensure that everyone can get every costume without having to track down other 3DS owners.

Streetpass will be used as well, but in a similar way to Street Fighter. It is said that two Dimensions users who pass one another will exchange their play patterns and then watch CPU opponents fight using this data.

I haven't heard anything solid about the Streetpass feature in a while, so it may be different when the game is actually released.

Mush123 said:
Raff said:
It's a port of a 7 year old Xbox remake of a Dreamcast game, but yeah.
No it isn't...

Well I'm convinced!


It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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