Animation Inches onto DSiWare

By Mike Mason 11.04.2011 7

Animation Inches onto DSiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Flat Black Films have announced that their DSiWare animation studio, Inchworm Animation, will be released on April 25th in North America for 500 Nintendo Points. No European release date has been announced as yet.

Flat Black Films are an animation company specialising in rotoscoping, though they also develop software, film shorts and computer graphics. Inchworm Animation has been in development for five years and looks to provide a highly impressive animation suite for DSi. Would-be artists can play with transparency, layers, stop-motion, rotoscoping and onion skin amongst other things, all in the palm of their hand.


- Create multi-layer flipbook animations
- Variable-thickness antialiased brushes
- Use the camera for stop-motion & time lapse
- Rotoscope by tracing on top of camera footage
- Different layers can have different frame lengths
- Circles, rectangles and polygons (with borders)
- Translucent color and pattern fill
- Custom palette storage
- Pattern editor
- Individual animation frame timing
- Onionskin
- Six levels of zoom
- Export to SD card (SWF, BMP sequence)
- Work on images up to 9999 x 9999 pixels
- Cut/paste to clipboard
- Rescale clipboard images
- Flip and 90-degree rotate
- Undo

A series of animations made using the application can be found on the Inchworm Animation website here. We've also added some screens to our media album below, and will keep you informed of any European release details.

Does this software interest you? Can it compete with Nintendo's own Flipnote Studio?

Box art for Inchworm Animation

Flat Black Films


Flat Black





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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I think it could compete, but unless it has a website support then it might not be able to.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out
Willy Wonka (guest) 11.04.2011#2

This sounds interesting and looks more advance than Flipnote, due to the ability to select from a variety of colours. I also like that you can use the camera to make stop-motion films.

Would love to see some kind of Animation Studio like this on 3DSWare. Be it 3D or just 2D animation, I'm not really bothered. Smilie

( Edited 12.04.2011 01:23 by Mush123 )

Time-lapse photography? wow, im already sold on just that! Just one thing holding me back, is that I have no 3ds shop to buy it when it comes off.... come on nintendo give me an update worth my while! lol...Smilie

Looks like a great piece of software, but I wonder if there's an audience for it. I know that I wouldn't be interested..

This actualy looks amazingly powerfull O_o <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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As a 2D animator myself, all i can say is, Holy fuck thats awesome!

As a european i say FUUUUUU!!!! no European release date!?

( Edited 12.04.2011 18:42 by welshwuff )

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