Ubisoft UK Dares Not Release We Dare

By Mike Mason 09.03.2011 9

Ubisoft UK Dares Not Release We Dare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a statement to The Telegraph, Ubisoft have announced that We Dare will not be released in the UK due to "public reaction" to the game. There was widespread commentary on We Dare's sexual themes when the Wii game was revealed with a PEGI 12 age rating attached.

A collection of adult-themed mini-games for Wii, We Dare challenged players to take part in "flirty fun", with marketing materials suggesting strip teasing, spanking and more. The problems arose when it became apparent that European ratings board PEGI had awarded the game a 12 rating. Ubisoft added a parental advisory sticker in response.

Previously, both Ubisoft and PEGI defended We Dare to Cubed3 after questioning, stating that the actual content of the game was far more innocent than the marketing implied. However, after negative reactions from political circles and press, publisher Ubisoft has decided to shelve the UK release. This comes after the company ruled out an American release, and it now seems that the title will only be sold in mainland Europe.

"Following the public reaction to the 12+ rating of We Dare, Ubisoft has made the decision not to sell the game in the United Kingdom."

The Telegraph.

What do you think of Ubisoft's decision?


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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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So they're already not releasing it in the US and now the UK too? Some may even follow too, so where are they actually going to sell it then? A few countries? That better be worth it then. Smilie

( Edited 09.03.2011 20:35 by SirLink )

And we claim to live in a free, democratic country...

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Nobody forced Ubisoft into the decision. It wasn't banned, just argued against like any other controversial game.

Gav (guest) 09.03.2011#4

Time to import then ?

So, will it be rebranded as something more family friendly? I don't think they'd just pull it completely and limit to just one market

( Edited 09.03.2011 22:25 by Lrrr )

I don't understand why they didn't just change it to a 15 or 18? I know the graphical style doesn't represent it, but surely that would've been an option.

jay (guest) 10.03.2011#7

They didn't have to pull it but they pulled it to stop bad publicity. You can't jack up an age rating they don't control that. Thats up to the ratings board, theres nothing sexual or violent in the game so therefore doesn't warrant the rating. This is a case of the media forcing a game to be canceled. The whole game is based around dares so the amount of adult content depends entirely on those playing it. Guess what kids don't need a game in order to dare one another to do stupid things.

its the silliest non story in the world, i don't particularly care because it was a stupid idea for a game anyway. paying �£30 for a collection of dares is one of the daftest things you could do.

Ubisoft wanted contraversy, they probably think a small release claiming "TOO HOT FOR COUNTRY X,Y,Z" etc might make a good marketing campagn.

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I doubt not releasing it in one of the biggest EU markets was to increase sales. They are a big company that probably doesn't want a lot of bad publicity.

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