Capcom's Christian Svensson on 3DS eStore

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.02.2011 4


Capcom's Christian Svensson was recently quizzed on whether there would be a version of Super Street Fighter IV for the 3DS eStore.

C3 member Linkyshinks recently quizzed the Capcom Unit Team on whether there would be a downloadable version of the game - the short answer, no - and as for any other eStore content, Capcom are currently working on understanding the system and how it works to produce content different from retail releases.

We're still getting up to speed on the estore programs and parameters. My current understanding is that anything available on the eStore will in some way shape or form have to be a different game than what's offered at retail according to NOA's communications with us.

So to answer that question, we have no plans at this time to make a "different" version of SSFIV for the eStore so for the foreseeable future, retail is the only place it will be.

Box art for Super Street Fighter IV








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Ah LinkyShinks, I wonder when he'll post on here again, ever since he left, the number of regular members seems to have come tumbling down.

Oh well, maybe if the 3DS VC has GBA games, we'll see Street Fighter Alpha as a download instead.

Why would a company want to make "a different version" of a game which is being released for retail anyways...? Surely the eStore is just for demos, videos, screenshots, XBLA-like games etc.?

( Edited 28.02.2011 17:19 by Mush123 )

Mush123 said:
Why would a company want to make "a different version" of a game which is being released for retail anyways...? Surely the eStore is just for demos, videos, screenshots, XBLA-like games etc.?

Yeah I think that makes the most sence, I mean SOny's Downloadable psp games hasn't been doing well since most gamers prefer owning a physical copy over DLing the main game & hardly ANYONE has a pspgo.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I think he must have been talking about having digital version of the game like xbox on demand or psp.titles on psn.
Nintendo arn't to interested in that for the forseeable future, they probably want to keep it to xbla\wiiware type stuff and the virtual console so it dosn't impact with any of there retail games.

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