Lots and Lots of Nintendo Toys on Show

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.02.2011 4

Lots and Lots of Nintendo Toys on Show on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

We all love our Nintendo merchandise, and there's a lot more to come in all shapes and sizes. Take a look at the selection from Toy Fair 2011.

Global Holdings, distributor for Nintendo-branded toys, had a selection of upcoming official merchandise including Super Mario Bros viynl figures, plushies, Mario Kart soft toy weapons and a group of Kirby ready to kick ass and take names.

Also on show was a bundle of gashapon/toy capsules containing ickle but highly detailed figures from Sonic, Super Mario Galaxy and The Legend of Zelda. Most of these you can already find in your local games retailer, importer or online store, but others are due later this year.

Kotaku's Stephen Tolito popped down to this year's Fair and did a quick video tour of what to expect from the world of Nintendo merch this year:



Which of these Nintendo toys would you pick up/have already in your collection?

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Our member of the week

Spent quite a lot of coins at our local fair last september, trying to get a hold of some mario themed plushies Smilie at crane games XD.I got away with a Wario and a huge Sonic plush from other stalls... And got a Toad for my girl.

I want one of those Kirbys Smilie.

( Edited 14.02.2011 14:52 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Ross (guest) 14.02.2011#2

Wario!!! Do want Smilie do WANT!!

Looks fab! Have Bowser, Goomba and 1-up plushies, as well as some Phantom Hourglass, Twilight Princess Gashapon and some of the First4Figures Sonic range.

Definitely want more Zelda merchandise! The Twilight selection's great, especially Link, but would be great to have more affordable Zelda stuff.

Mario Kart plushies look great!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Thankfully I was not at the Toy Fair with all these Nintendo toys...otherwise I would have left a very broke man!

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