3DS: Tekken, Soul Calibur, God Eater, Ridge Racer do Baseball for Namco Bandai

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.02.2011 7

3DS: Tekken, Soul Calibur, God Eater, Ridge Racer do Baseball for Namco Bandai on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ever wonder what your favourite Namco Bandai characters get up to inbetween games? How about a spot of Baseball to mix things up.

At face value Pro Baseball Famista 2011 looks exactly like it says on the tin: a sports game for 3DS. The unique selling point? It'll feature the likes of Tekken's Nina Williams, Soul Calibur's Mitsurugi and Taiko Drum Master's Don-chan as playable characters.

Image for 3DS: Tekken, Soul Calibur, God Eater, Ridge Racer do Baseball for Namco BandaiEven a car from Ridge Racer can throw a ball, apparently! Yes, that's also a jet from Ace Combat in uniform, churning out a baseball from its metal gob.

It may take on a family-friendly cartoon vibe, but Namco Bandai are promising a realistic feel, from the bats themselves to the environment.

It's due out March 31st in Japan.

Without further adieu, meet your Namco Bandai cameo-cast, complete with adorable baseball uniforms.

Image for 3DS: Tekken, Soul Calibur, God Eater, Ridge Racer do Baseball for Namco Bandai

Image for 3DS: Tekken, Soul Calibur, God Eater, Ridge Racer do Baseball for Namco Bandai

Image for 3DS: Tekken, Soul Calibur, God Eater, Ridge Racer do Baseball for Namco Bandai

Via Andriasang.

Who else would you like to see make camero appearances in Pro Baseball Famista? Folk from the Tales or Pac-Man worlds perhaps?

Box art for Pro Baseball Famista 2011

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai





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Namco-Bandai... seriously?



Chance favors the prepared mind.

Honestly I HIGHLY doubt this will make it outside of Japan. Baseball over there is far more appreciated than over here....it's like the sports otaku for them. They geek out about it BECAUSE it's an offical American made Sport.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Seriously? Smilie Having sports games for Mario for example is something I can understand but characters from Tekken and Soul Calibur..what the? The most ridiculous things have got to be the car from Ridge Racer and the jet from Ace Combat though. Just what the hell were they thinking when they came up with this game? Smilie

Something tells me I need to see this in motion, especially that damn jet!

I wouldn't want to be batting if that jet was pitching the ball...

Taiko drum mascot pitching, have to swing in rythum of hitting multiple balls :B

nanny (guest) 14.02.2011#7

dunno why but i feel that namco likes to show some male asses LOL just look at kazuyas father Smilie

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