Nintendo's 3DS Goes Bubble Crazy

By Adam Riley 02.02.2011


Square Enix has announced that Puzzle Bobble Universe, the latest adventure in the classic puzzle series, is heading to Europe and PAL territories exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS and is due for release during the 'launch window,' meaning it is expected before June 2011. Puzzle Bobble Universe features two unique game modes, along with a unique visual effect.

The Taito-developed Puzzle Bobble Universe sees brothers Bub and Bob facing more bubble trouble as they stumble across an unmanned spaceship and a distant cry for help. Unknown to the dinosaur duo, several surrounding planets have 'doors' in their vicinity which have been opened, releasing floods of bubbles that are rapidly turning into hazardous space-debris. With Bob captured by the Boss, Bub must act fast to ensure the future safety of all the planets and their inhabitants.

Puzzle Bobble Universe sees the colourful classic get a [stereoscopic] 3D makeover. The gameplay mechanics and vibrant visuals associated with the series perfectly suit the new console’s capabilities. Puzzle Bobble Universe is sure to be a must-have title for any [Nintendo] 3DS owner.
- Larry Sparks, Vice President Brands PAL Region of Square Enix Ltd.

Puzzle Bobble Universe features both a Puzzle Mode and Challenge Mode. In Puzzle Mode, the player travels around eight different worlds to rescue friends, across a total of eighty-eight stages in the entire game. Challenge Mode sees the player choose from a selection of challenges including Non-Stop Bubbles, and timed games where the player must burst as many bubbles as possible in 100 and 300 seconds.

Puzzle Bobble Universe will be available during the launch window of the Nintendo 3DS system this coming Spring.

Box art for Puzzle Bobble Universe



Square Enix





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European release date Out now   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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