Next Ace Attorney a Mobile Puzzle Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.02.2011 5

Image for Next Ace Attorney a Mobile Puzzle GameWhilst Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth are off on their own pursuits, the pair are coming together for a new mobile game.

No longer will the lawyers be tackling criminals and presenting evidence, no, instead Capcom are palming off the popular characters to a puzzle game for mobile/cell phones in Japan.

Gyakuten Puzzle Irekaeru Gyakuten sees players attack each other to try and clear the screen of coloured blocks. Items like the Luminol spray, Magatama and the Blue Badger are on offer.

Via Andriasang.

Box art for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney








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I can't even :C

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I thought it was a 3DS game for a second (with the widescreen image on top and the square puzzely section on bottom)

But yeah a crappy throw away mobile phone puzzle game.

Mobile Phones games are going to replace handhelds!!!!

Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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The headline almost makes it sound like the next main entry in the series is meant.Smilie Glad that I always read the whole article, you wouldn't believe how many people on some other sites actually don't do that and just jump straight to the comments.Smilie

banjkazfan (guest) 20.03.2011#5


...**sigh** I'm so jealous...

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