Pokemon Black, White DSi Bundles Confirmed for UK

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.01.2011 4

Pokemon Black, White DSi Bundles Confirmed for UK on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo today confirmed that the Pokemon-themed DSi bundles for Black and White will be available from launch in March.

There'll be two flavours available in matching Black and White colours, donning artwork of the legendary Reshiram and Zekrom.

  • The Black edition, which includes Pokémon Black, will be exclusive to GAME stores in the UK.
  • The White edition, which includes Pokémon White, will be available to all stores, including GAME.
  • For a limited time after the release selected stores will also offer a downloadable "Liberty Pass", which allows players to meet the Pokémon Victini. Victini is the first fire and psychic type, with the pass itself unattainable during normal play.

    Image for Pokemon Black, White DSi Bundles Confirmed for UK

    In related news, the Official Nintendo Magazine has snapped the first six minutes of the localised English version, including where you would meet Professor Juniper for the first time.


    Will you be picking up one of the Pokémon Black or Pokémon White bundles? Which do you prefer?

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    They both look gorgeous, but is anyone really going to buy a DSi, when the 3DS is just around the corner?

    The Liberty Ticket will also be available through Wi-Fi on launch so no need to go to a store if you don't want to. Smilie

    And yeah it's one final effort to sell the DSi to those weak willed people. Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    They really look cool though. Wish there would be a black 3DS looking like the black DSi here.Smilie That would be AMAZING. They could even write Pokémon on it so that the 2 cameras take the place of the two O's in Pokémon.Smilie I'm really getting carried away here now... Smilie

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