More Kingdom Hearts 3DS Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.01.2011 3

More Kingdom Hearts 3DS Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In a recent interview with Japanese magazine Famitsu, Kingdom Hearts producer Tetsuya Nomura discussed the 3DS game.

Nomura shed some light on the debut trailer and the rather peculiar subtitle Dream Drop Distance and how the name game to be. He also discusses character development, and how players will randomly switch between co-protagonists Sora and Riku throughout the game.

  • Nomura explains Dream Drop Distance as the "distance you fall in your dreams" / how deeply you fall.
  • While the English isn't grammatically correct, the team wanted to focus on how the name sounds/reads.
  • The three words separately have a number of meanings, for example "Drop" is a fairly important aspect in the gameplay.
  • Nomura believes that the main/numbered entries should have "proper and orthodox" evolutions, but the team do want to experiment and "try bold things" for the non-numbered games like Kingdom Hearts for 3DS.
  • Tells the story of Sora and Riku in their Mask of Mastery test that sees the two protagonist turn into Keyblade Masters.
  • Only some portions of the game will cover the test.
  • Players will switch between Sora and Riku, but this won't be optional. It could even be when simply walking through town, or even in the middle of a battle.
  • Character switching usually take place in key moments in most games, however Nomura notes that the switches here won't have anything to do with story progression.
  • Different stories for each, with different bosses, actions and even control schemes - linked in with a currently undisclosed system.
  • There are a number of secrets within the "Drop Gauge" (shown in a recent trailer).
  • Number of new Disney worlds will be available in the game, including the "bell tower" inspired world shown in the trailer.
  • The team is hard at work on the 3DS game, but the project isn't in a state where a release date can be announced.

    Via Andriasang.

    Box art for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

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    Nomura believes that the main/numbered entries should have "proper and orthodox" evolutions, but the team do want to experiment and "try bold thongs" for the non-numbered games like Kingdom Hearts for 3DS.

    Can't do so myself right now, but you might wanna edit that a bit J. Smilie

    Anyways, more KH = awesomesause. Bloody weird name, but meh, 358/2 Days was weirder. :/

    Aw, someone beat me to the thongs bit xD

    Randomly switching characters while I'm playing sounds a bit shaky. It's Square-Enix, so it'll probably work wonderfully, somehow.

    NNID: crackedthesky
    My blog, mostly about writing:

    Thongs? Thong?! Oups, Square Enix will be massively pissed I spoiled one of the game's secrets Smilie, sorry was pretty out of it when writing this Smilie

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