Mario, Zelda, Kid Icarus 3DS Due After E3

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.01.2011 15

Mario, Zelda, Kid Icarus 3DS Due After E3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Whilst the 3DS has a solid third party launch line-up, fans have wondered when Nintendo's efforts will hit the market.

Speaking to MTV Multiplayer, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime praised the selection of games available from day one, including Super Street Fighter IV and Dead Or Alive: Dimensions.

He also discussed how Nintendo are aware that there isn't the typical launch seller like a Mario or The Legend of Zelda branded game, nor the highly praised Kid Icarus. He states that they'll be ready "after E3".

Mario, Zelda, all of those titles are coming. From our perspective, we like to launch titles when they're ready. And so they'll be ready, they'll be ready soon. Just not in that initial time period of late March to early June.

There will be Nintendo at launch, however, with three nintendogs + cats varieties and the new Steel Diver ip available.

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





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So even though Nintendo said we'd be getting a steady release of quality titles, what are we going to be getting any time soon?

*sob* The DS' drought lasted ages...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

So does this mean that E3 this year will just focus on titles already announced?

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

I think hes just talking about release dates, they'll probably just mention when those games are comming and actually showcase other stuff.

I just want more info on the resident evils myself.

Hang on, is he referring to a brand new 3DS Mario there, or SML on VC?! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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So, they'll give 3rd parties a chance to make the most sales during launch month? At least that's what I take from this. Zelda and Mario will sell no matter when they're released. Can't say the same about the games in the launch lineup.

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jesusraz said:
Hang on, is he referring to a brand new 3DS Mario there, or SML on VC?! Smilie

More like the new Paper Mario (and Mario kart 3DS) IMHO

( Edited 26.01.2011 16:49 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Better late than rushed. For sure. I'll probably wait on getting a 3DS until, at the very least, Paper Mario and/or Metal Gear Solid are out for it.

Speaking of late-2011 offerings, let's talk about Xenoblade and The Last Story...

SuperLink said:
So even though Nintendo said we'd be getting a steady release of quality titles, what are we going to be getting any time soon?

*sob* The DS' drought lasted ages...

Yeah, just drought titles like Pokemon Black and White Smilie

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Yeah, just drought titles like Pokemon Black and White Smilie

What do you mean :'l
B/W is a DS game and will be out before the 3DS! I'm not worried about the DS' final months, it's going incredibly well and we still have strong games like Okamiden, Layton 4 and AAI2 on the way aswell.

I'm more worried about which 3DS games are going to be released during launch period. The DS' launch period was pretty bad really.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I'm looking forward to hearing all of these "I'll go cancel my preorder now/No buy" guys complaining that it's so hard to get a 3DS in mid/late 2011 when all the Nintendo games are coming. Those who think that there'll be a price drop and/or a 3DS redesign by that time are quite funny ones too. Smilie

I also find the mentality "Only Nintendo games are quality titles worth buying" quite interesting. Everyone was saying all the time that Nintendo needs way more 3rd party support and now that they have massive support, it's suddenly only Nintendo titles that are awesome again? Bunch of hypocrites. Smilie

PS: If you wanna know where I saw most of those people, just check out the IGN article about this. It's quite ridiculous.

SSIV and DoA: Dimensions will keep me entertained for quite some time. Might even check out Steel Diver, as it sounds like an interesting IP.

( Edited 26.01.2011 20:53 by Mush123 )

Honestly just trying to unlock everything in SSF43D & DOAD will keep me busy untill Zelda & the like are released not to mention online play for both!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
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That's all well and nice but Fighting games aren't best suited to be played with such small buttons as those on a regular pad to begin with, compared to an arcade stick... let alone play them with the tiny DS Lite/DSi style buttons that the 3DS uses.

I'll never buy a fighting game on a handheld :/. Thankfully i'm an old fan of Pilotwings. But I just hope the challenge will still be there, like in the old days of the N64, and that there'll be more to explore than just Wuhu Island. Pilotwings 64 had 4 islands for you to explore freely (the Mini USA one was awesome =). Mario's head on Mt. Rushmore > all !!!), and that was what made the game so interesting to me.

Seeing the inclusion of the Miis worries me a lot :/ as to the target audience for that one, and as a consequence, the level of challenge.

( Edited 26.01.2011 22:30 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

jesusraz said:
Hang on, is he referring to a brand new 3DS Mario there, or SML on VC?! Smilie

Not heard the rumour of a new 3D Mario made like 64? Tis quite juicy. Smilie
More likely to be a new 2D-plane game though, that was a goldmine for Nintendo on Wii and DS.

SuperLink said: What do you mean :'l
B/W is a DS game and will be out before the 3DS! I'm not worried about the DS' final months, it's going incredibly well and we still have strong games like Okamiden, Layton 4 and AAI2 on the way aswell.

I'm more worried about which 3DS games are going to be released during launch period. The DS' launch period was pretty bad really.

Yeah. I can see them not releasing a huge title like Zelda or Starfox on day one because they probably want to give Pokemon some time to breathe outside of Japan, but waiting until after e3? That's a bit excessive, I think. That's a solid three months before "a Zelda or a Mario." Hopefully, he was being incredibly specific, and we'll still see other first-party titles sometime before then.

Maybe they're relying on third parties from the gate to combat the stereotype that third parties don't like working with Nintendo. They've basiclaly said they want the 3DS to reinvent them and their relationships with other companies; maybe this is part of their way of loosening the iron grip of control they demand of those working with them, and saying "Hey, look, third parties can do what they want and sell on their own, without riding the wake of first-party titles."

NNID: crackedthesky
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