No Online for Nintendo 3DS PES

By Adam Riley 21.01.2011 8

No Online for Nintendo 3DS PES on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Cubed3 was in attendance of the Konami developer session at the conference in Amsterdam to promote the 3DS. The two people representing the company were the sombre-looking Shinji Enomoto and the extremely personable Naoya Hatsumi, the latter being the third main producer on the Pro Evolution Soccer series now, along with mainstays Seabass and Greyhound.

The majority of the talk focused on various gameplay features of the 3DS launch title, which they pointed out as being somewhat of a milestone in itself since the franchise has not launched alongside a new system in the past (clearly forgetting the International Superstar Soccer games from Major A...).

It was revealed that the box art will feature Barcelona star Lionel Messi on the cover, with a slightly 3D effect of the ball coming out of the image at you, mimicking the general feel of the actual game where depth is a major factor in the enjoyment of this new portable edition of Pro Evolution Soccer 2011.  The 3D power of the Nintendo 3DS is being implemented in such a way that players will have a more realistic experience, getting a true sense of distance between their team and opponents elsewhere on the football field.  The stereoscopic 3D will also apparently help with the inch-perfect placing of shots, with everything being supported by Konami's traditionally impressive sound setup that gives a feeling of the crowd cheering all around you.

One aspect that some have been worried about is the default player camera that has the action following one player at a time in order to truly show off the depth features.  However, Hatsumi confirmed there will be a total of five different camera positions, including a spider cam that hovers over the entire pitch, a traditional side-on camera, and a 'vertical wide' viewpoint that makes use of both screens to extend the view of the pitch.

Hatsumi-san also touched upon the multiplayer features and how one of the modes makes use of the Nintendo 3DS StreetPass function.  In Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D, the Master League data built up in the main game can be used in StreetPass mode, meaning that if your 3DS is in sleep mode and you pass another person with game data stored on their 3DS, your teams will carry out a statistically-based match, with the winner accruing points that give them a stronger StreetPass ranking that will eventually allow owners to unlock secret footballers and extra teams for use in the in-game Master League.

Towards the end of the presentation, someone in the audience asked if the StreetPass function will still work when playing a local wireless match in Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D, to which there was a firm 'no' in response.  It was then confirmed that the local wireless play only supports one-on-one play, and there will be no online options at all, despite the regular DS versions having Wi-Fi support.  When specifically asked about this, though, Hatsumi dodged giving a proper answer and merely confirmed again that there is no online.

One last point, and quite an important one, when asked if the lack of online meant the game would not be region locked, there was some laughter as he exclaimed 'of course it's region locked!'

Are you still planning on getting Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D or will you wait for the 2012 edition?

Box art for Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D








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the sombre-looking Shinji Enomoto

Exactly my thought when watching the live conference Smilie. I was a bit scared he'd come out of the screen to slap me for no reason, seeing how pissed he looked to me Smilie

Anyway, on the topic, this sucks... really. There must be some undisclosed reason behind this, I hope this isn't any bad sign for the future of 3DS online, which is supposed to be the best online experience ever made by Nintendo.

( Edited 21.01.2011 10:51 by Kafei2006 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

That does suck, one of the first 3DS third-party title games that should have online play and it doesnt...? Smilie

Wait, what? No online for a game like that? Why? Smilie

Don't take this as any indication of the 3DS' online capabilities though, who knows what reason they had for not including online play. If Street Fighter can do it, any game can.

I suggest a boycott. I'm sorry but that's unacceptable. If FIFA has online play, then screw PES!

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

Boo!! This is dissapointing news. I would of preferred them to wait and implement this feature rather than release it earlier without online play.


Come on guys be reasonable, they need to have SOME features to tout for next years version!

Jimmy2000 said:
Come on guys be reasonable, they need to have SOME features to tout for next years version!

Ohh yeah, I completely forgot. I'm seeing their advert slogan right before me.

"PES 2012 3D, now with a never seen before feature, online play!! Come and buy this while we are already developing PES 2013 3D!!"

( Edited 21.01.2011 13:41 by SirLink )

Thank god I'm not a football fan, otherwise this would've been quite a let-down for me Smilie

Also, you dudes're actually in Amsterdam? We should totally meet up, seeing as how it would probably take me like 20 minutes to get to where that conference is Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

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