Nintendo 3DS First Party Media Update

By Mike Mason 19.01.2011 4

Nintendo 3DS First Party Media Update on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have sent out a batch of screenshots for their own announced titles on new system Nintendo 3DS. These games have been given the vague release dates of 'launch window' at best, but we would imagine that at least one of the below will be ready alongside the system. Our Nintendo Points are on nintendogs + cats...

All titles link back to the appropriate game page, where you'll find more screenshots and any associated news articles.

nintendogs + cats

Image for Nintendo 3DS First Party Media Update

With more than 20 breeds to choose from depending on the version you choose - French Bulldog & New Friends, Toy Poodle & New Friends or Golden Retriever & New Friends - nintendogs + cats brings cute to the launch line-up. Now your pets can recognise you via the 3DS cameras, talk a walk with you thanks to 3DS' in-built pedometer, or even join your world thanks to augmented reality, allowing them to bound across your table. StreetPass allows you to share game data locally, while going online with SpotPass gives access to downloadable content.

Face Raiders

Image for Nintendo 3DS First Party Media Update

Pre-built into 3DS, Face Raiders lets you take photos of friends and family and...well, shoot them in the face!

Animal Crossing

Image for Nintendo 3DS First Party Media Update

Animal Crossing is sure to use the communication elements of 3DS to the maximum. Who knows when this social sensation will hit the system?

Kid Icarus Uprising

Image for Nintendo 3DS First Party Media Update

Pit’s long-awaited return comes courtesy of Masahiro Sakurai and his team at Project Sora. Taking to the skies unleashes intense 3D shoot ‘em up action, while patrolling the ground leaves a multitude of weapons at Pit’s disposal, such as blades, orbs and claws, to destroy any foe in his path.

Mario Kart

Image for Nintendo 3DS First Party Media Update

Mario Kart will enjoy 3DS’ improved online system, and it wouldn’t be too surprising to see some of the series’ ‘much-loved’ weapons employ the visuals in cheeky ways. Shells will look more deadly than ever before!

Paper Mario

Image for Nintendo 3DS First Party Media Update

After the joy that was Wii’s Super Paper Mario, we can’t wait to see how the 3DS iteration takes the formula even further. Nintendo are keeping quiet outside of some delightful screenshots and a tasty trailer last week...

Pilotwings Resort

Image for Nintendo 3DS First Party Media Update

Pilotwings Resort was the standout title at last year’s 3DS unveiling, and the extra months are likely to have improved it yet more. It really took advantage of the 3D to improve the flying experience, and players can export their Miis into the game to traverse Wii Sports’ Wuhu Island via rocket belt, plane and hang glider. Over 40 missions await, or you can simply fly free, taking photos to send to your friends as you go.

Starfox 64 3D

Image for Nintendo 3DS First Party Media Update

Fans have been begging for a Fox McCloud-shaped comeback for years. While a 3D remake of the Nintendo 64 version may not have been exactly what they imagined, a foray into the third dimension was not an opportunity to be missed for the franchise. Perhaps, after a few disappointments, this remake will be the kick up the behind that the series needs to continue.

Steel Diver

Image for Nintendo 3DS First Party Media Update

Steel Diver was a technology demo for the original DS, cruelly scrapped and forgotten. Or not, it seems, as it’s been updated as a flagship title for 3DS. The touch-screen is home to your control panel as you steer your sub around, engaging in combat with enemies. The 3D is said to make it feel like you are looking in an aquarium, and 3DS’ gyroscopes can be used to control a periscope and peer around. A two player strategy battle mode is also included.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Image for Nintendo 3DS First Party Media Update

One of Nintendo’s most-loved titles, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has been swept off and pulled out of the cupboard to complete the first party launch window line-up. Touch control inventories streamline the experience, and the first-person aiming mode utilises the 3DS gyroscopes.

We’ll have more on Nintendo’s launch line-up as soon as there is more news, and hopefully we’ll have confirmation fairly soon on what to expect on the shelves on March 25th. Keep an eye on Cubed3 for hands-on impressions straight from the European Nintendo 3DS conference in the coming days.

Box art for Nintendogs + Cats: Golden Retriever & Friends








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So, Ocarina of Time is actually going to be released in the launch window now? I've read somewhere else that it's "still in the works" and that it's unsure whether it will make it in time( Smilie ) for the launch window or not.

My bad, they're not all launch window, though I think most are. Corrected to say 'launch window at best'.

Because I am now sick and tired of Wuhu Island, I shant be getting Pilotwings. Would have been nice to explore new territory. Smilie

Ifrit XXII said:
Because I am now sick and tired of Wuhu Island, I shant be getting Pilotwings. Would have been nice to explore new territory. Smilie

I bet they'll come out with a 3DS-exclusive GTA title soon. Titled, "GTA: Wuhu Island"

"Do a Barrel Roll!"

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