Just a day before the US and European Nintendo 3DS events take place, Michael Pachter has made some early claims that the Nintendo 3DS will outsell the Sony PSP2. This claim was made during an interview with IncGamers. The Wedbush Analyst said the handheld will have a "greater success in capturing the consumer’s imagination". Along with that, he also went on to say that the Nintendo 3DS and Sony PSP2 launches will be comparable to Microsoft's Kinect and Sony's Move controllers, from last year. Then claimed the 3DS would win, because it's "new and different"
He told the site: "I think this is Kinect vs. Move all over again: Kinect is outselling Move because Kinect is new and different, while Move is very similar to the Wii." and then said the PSP2 is just "likely going to be a souped up version of the old PSP."
Nintendo is set to release details of the European launch plans today, during an event in Amsterdam. You can catch all the latest happenings through our handy Live Feeds.
Do you believe that Pachter's claims will turn out to be true?