Rock Band Network Content to be Discontinued on Wii

By 16.01.2011 5

Rock Band Network Content to be Discontinued on Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Over at the official forums for Rock Band, one of the developers that works on the franchise has announced that Rock Band Network content will now be discontinued in the Wii versions. The cut off date is January 18th 2011, so be sure to grab any tracks you want, soon.

The reasons for this is due to a smaller user-base found on the Wii version, which also brings limited demand for new tracks. Further more, the tracks can take a significant amount of work to convert to the Wii versions, according the games sound team and producers.

The Rock Band Network allows bands to submit their own music and price it. Users can then download the tracks to play.

On a more positive note, Harmonix will still be providing Wii owners of Rock Band with regular new tracks. These can be downloaded from the Rock Band store.

Next Tuesday, 1/18/2010, will also be the last scheduled batch of Rock Band Network songs brought over to the Wii. With the smaller online install base, limited demand for releases so far and the significant amount of work it takes for our producers and audio team to convert and process these additional tracks we’re no longer able to continue submitting RBN content to the Wii. Regular Wii DLC, and RBN releases for the 360 and PS3 will continue uninterrupted.

Box art for Rock Band








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European release date Q2 2008   North America release date 22.06.2008   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Q2 2008   

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and wii owners want to cry in the end that there are no games for the platform...WTF!!!

I'm a Guitar Hero user and I only buy the RB games once they go on sale at 50% or more. Did it for RB2, Lego Rockband and Beatles Rockband, plan to do the same for Greenday and RB3.

Remember, these are just the Rock Band Network songs by small bands, not regular DLC. I can't see RBN songs selling on ANY system given that they don't even provide music previews of the songs.

"Next Tuesday, 1/18/2010, will also be the ....."

FAIL. Next Tuesday will be 2011

ghost.y (guest) 18.01.2011#5

Guitar Hero > Rock Band anyway. Moving on....!

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